
It's Still Monday, So I'm Wary.

Sep 26, 2011 11:41

Dear Weather:

It is September 26. October is starting in FOUR DAYS. I should NOT be walking around my house in my underwear because it is too warm and humid to wear anything else. I understand that I live in an area of the world where it's humid during these colder months, but that should be inspiring a sweater, not a striptease.

Get it right, will ya?!

No love,


In case anyone missed it on Twitter this morning, while I was grocery shopping, I passed the books section and the cover of one book caught my eye. It was a very attractive man-angel, and it was called The Fallen: Raziel. Intrigued and always on the look out for new and interesting fantasy (and I've found some amazing things in not!bookstores) I picked it up and read the back.

It was a romance novel. Or from what I read of the summary, it sounds like a romance novel.

Angel porn.

I shit you not.

There's a second novel in the series out already, too, called Demon.

IDEK you guys.

Unfortunately the library doesn't carry it, and I'm a little scared of reading the excerpts provided on the links above. Whether I'm scared I'm going to end up liking them or if I'm scared that it's going to produce a reaction much like Twilight did when I read an excerpt, I have no idea.

The 1st-person narrative is what has me a little skittish. It's not my favourite POV to read, save from very, very select authors (e.g. Mike Stackpole).

Happy Monday >.<

note, books

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