
Exciting Friday Night is....Not so Exciting.

Sep 09, 2011 21:06

So the retreat went well. I did much better on the female social interaction as well as the few opportunities for co-ed interaction that I had. I drove there with no issues and I drove myself home with no issues (though I would have beaten one guy to death if his reckless driving had followed through on the accident he almost caused because I would have been stuck on the highway in some way, shape or form for MUCH longer than I intended.)

Retreat was a good spiritual refreshing, as well as productive in my novel plotting. I sorted through a couple of sticky plot points as well as possibly figuring out what to do with that frelling Master Sword issue that I was facing

It is now almost 9pm and I am so ready to go pass out.

Things ran a little late last night, so I didn't go back to hang at the campfire after evening snack, as it was nearly 11pm by that point and we had to be up at 7 to get our crap out of the cabins so they could start cleaning for this massive group of people they supposedly have coming in this weekend. I heard one girl come back and grab a sweater and then another girl come back to grab her PJ's to change and then the next thing I know it's 4am and I'm getting up to go potty.

Also, weird dreams were weird. I don't recall them save for the fact that they were pretty bizzare.

Ugh. Now that my dryer's done I think I'm just gonna grab my stuff and head to bed and try reading a bit.

I miss the lake.

writing, school, trip

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