
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Apr 05, 2011 21:25

[ Our Schedule | HP: PS ]

I am once more a day late and a dollar shy. Oh well :)

To dispel some confusion from my "review" last post, my comments are sort of a mix of what I recall from the first time I read these, almost 10 years ago (yeah, it's been that long. wtf, huh?), any additional thoughts that popped up this time around along with minor notes on the movie adaptations.

Those still adhering to the schedule, Prisoner of Azkaban should have been started as of yesterday. (Um...I'm on page 537/607 of Half-Blood Prince, so, um...yeah. Schedule still blown out of the water on my end.)

Chamber of Secrets is discussed here.

Over all, I think this is my least favourite book of the series. I can't quite put my finger on why, though. I think it was the "I AM LORD VOLDEMORT" thing. So cheesy. I want to know how long it took JKR to anagram that from "Tom Marvolo Riddle". I bet she got as far as "I AM LORD" and then took the remaining letters, rearraged'em until they made something pronounceable and voila! Strange, awkward name for the Big Bad. Ah well :) I can hardly talk, since my Big Bad's name is equally as whacked. I think it's right up there with Voldemort and Galbatorix, personally, so yeah.


Anyhow. Skipping plot-rehash, since you should all know it by this point. I think Lockheart was the redeeming factor in this book. He made it all funny, and this is a tiny snapshot of how the teachers at Hogwarts treat useless/troublesome teachers *coughUmbridgecough* since they seem to simply toss Lockheart to the Basilisk without so much as a how-do-you-do. Then again, it was supposed to be his job, so Lockheart = idiot if he didn't think his dishonest exploits would catch up with him eventually.

As far as the movie went, the Basilisk fight was a little too different, and while it's nice that Fawkes got more screen time, the purpose of the Sorting Hat was lost in the movie, since Harry never puts it on to avoid the Basilisk gaze. Oh, and Ginny didn't meep! enough whenever Harry popped up. Come to think of it, I don't think they had a lot of joint screen-time for it to happen so meh. Whatever :)

I do remember thinking that poor Harry just couldn't catch a break here, what with being caught at every crime scene and then being present for Fawkes' burning. Poor guy :)

Okay, your turn. 1-2-3-GO!

reading, harry potter, books

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