

Jan 29, 2011 20:58

Before I retreat for other, off-line activities, I figured I'd update folks who aren't on my Twitter feed.

I've been pondering a post about some stuff regarding various life things, since I've had a bunch of stuff on my mind as well as having had a chat with my Pastor's wife about some of it, but I haven't actually managed to figure out what, precisely, I want to say on the subject(s) so I've been holding off.

However, in lieu of epic self-examination I have to share with you my sheer idiocy, because everyone deserves to have a crack at me in the teasing department >.<

So, yesterday (Friday) morning, after I got up and had a shower, I was unable to find undergarments, despite knowing that I had recently washed a load. It was then that I recalled that A) my mom had asked me on Thursday if I had any laundry going (which I hadn't) and that B) I didn't actually take my stuff out of the dryer in the first place (a common occurance with me. I <3 living out of my dryer). I was still baffled, however, because my mom usually brings my stuff upstairs and deposits it on my bed and I totally couldn't recall finding said pile of clothing anywhere in my room.

So I headed downstairs, and there, in the basket in front of the washer, was my stuff. I gathered it up and headed back upstairs. As I neared the top step I went over the whole thing in my head and then physically and truly facepalmed, solidly smacking my palm against my forehead right in the middle.

My head didn't snap back or anything, but the shock was enough for a mild, shooting pain to blossom across the back of my head right at the top of my neck.

...I gave myself whiplash. And a sore forehead. And a mild headache.

I don't even know, man. I don't even know.

I had full range of motion last night, though it hurt mildly to do it. I was able to drive to and from my book club thing and checking my blind spot didn't give me much trouble. And I slept okay last night, no funny positions or issues with getting my shoulders, neck and head comfy on the pillow and supported, etc. And even lifting my head didn't hurt or anything.

This morning, I was still the same. Lifting my head didn't hurt, and the pain I felt was still the same level. However, the muscles and tendons tightened a bit and I've lost my full range of motion. I'm down to being able to turn my head 45 degrees in either direction, as opposed to the full 90. But even then the pain isn't terrible or anything. A family friend who is a massage therapist informed me that whiplash takes a full 3 days to fully manifest its complete symptoms and that I should call him tomorrow and let him know how it's going. He's offered to give me ultra sound therapy and that taking anti-inflammatories wouldn't go amiss, either.

But, um. Yeah.

I gave myself whiplash. With a facepalm.

I would headdesk, but that would just be stupid.

ETA: I just had a minor head-rushy feeling, but not like the sudden drop in blood pressure that normally happens to folks. I swear, if I concussed myself on top of all this.......*poders if such a thing as a delayed concussion exists*

ETA 2: Forgot to mention that yawning hurts. Haven't had a coughing fit due to my usual sinus things, nor have I sneezed yet, and I am totally not looking forward to either of those tihngs. I'll update you on how bad those are as soon as they happen.

update, hurt, idiots

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