
Whew, What a Day...

Jun 01, 2010 19:41

I finally got my Avon order today as an off-schedule delivery. The drawback? Some jackass didn't check my bottle of cleanser for defects or some jackass tossed it into the box so hard it popped it open or somehow it got jostled enough to open it up because stupid Avon doesn't use packing tissue-stuff at all. The end result was still the same: sticky face cleanser over everything in that box. Of the 30 borchures that I ordered, only 14 survived. My invoice was in the other box (I got 2 boxes, yay!) so it was spared. But my catalogue of new stuff was trashed, as were 16 brochures. The samples of hair defrizzer that I was given were damaged as I rinsed them off, because there was so much gunk on them they were over-exposed to the water and it got inside the plastic wrapping.

Had to apologize to one of my customers because I had to open up her nail clipper she ordered so I could rinse off it plus the plastic bag it came in.

I was on the phone 5 seconds after sorting everything out and informing them of what happened. I'm getting replacements of all my catalogues and a free replacement cleanser :p

Bright side is that nothing else was damaged, since the rest of it was all the plastic bottles; the stuff in normal box-like stuff was in the other box.

Needless to say that this threw me right off my game and it took me 4x longer to get things sorted, plus invoices written up, etc.

Then I had to shower because I was all gross and sweaty from over-night and rushing about with the order sorting, etc.

Just got back from a quick walk around my neighbourhood to deliver a couple of orders and to seed more catalogue "welcome packages." And now that my immediate neighbourhood is done I feel lost and have no idea where to go with expanding my little experiment. I figure I'll do the area where one of my co-workers lives, since it's larger area that seems like it would have potential.

And holy crap, it's 7:38pm already. I had grand plans of prompts and fic today. Now I'm just all blah and wanting to hide where it's cool and conserve sanity for work tomorrow. Hooray open-shift :p

avon, tired

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