

Oct 28, 2009 18:19

Or, you know, yawn-stretch if I could.

Spent today home alone and it was lovely. There was enough left-overs from yesterday and stuff that the only appliances I needed to use were the fridge and the microwave. Spent the early morning napping on the couch, since for some odd reason I was up at 7am and just couldn't be in bed any more. Snoozed through whatever SGA episode was on TV at the time and eventually turned TV off.

And I have no idea if it was the lack of stress induced by having other people in the house or simply because I kept the lights off all day, but I only had to pop two T-3s, once this morning shortly after I got up (I suspect pressure built up over night) and then once just after my dad got home.

Had a bit of dairy in the form of soaked Mini Wheats. I used only enough milk to cover them and get them as soggy as possible and then dumped whatever liquid was left when I was done. So far, nothing has exploded or rebelled inside my body and this is a good thing.

Concentrated on working out body-plumming, since, you know, codeine is not conducive to such things.

Changed my desktop to my NaNo wallpaper and rearranged icons, and did get a bit of WoW in today, too.

Tomorrow I will attempt to make it a writing day, in which I catch up on prompts for The Jedi and The Lt.-Colonel, since I know which ones I'm doing, I just haven't done'em yet - as well as my assignment that's due Monday.

Last Thursday, after I ran into my Principal on my way out of the library from the research portion of my paper and told him all about my surgery and things, he told me - as a means of encouragement - that my Research Professor was impressed with my work. He said that I wrote very well, and my Principal told him that I was a writer (^.^) and all I can say was that had me bouncy and smiling all the way home on a rainy, overcast Thursday as I made my way home so I could change and go to work.

One more day and then I get the spongy-packing crap out and whatever dried blood is left removed and hopefully the sinus pressure will finally equalize and I can simply concentrate on not getting sick and continuing to not put undue pressure on my head with the bending and the lifting.

Shawn called me last night and I gave him the run down on how things went. I requested day shifts for the next several weeks, just until my body sorts itself and my meds are all done, because I don't think I can handle the holy-crap-tired that comes with night shifts.

Am so glad I'm inside this week, what with the H1N1 stuff and increased paranoia and just....*sighs* Of all the times to be on the "ZOMG DO NOT GET SICK OR ELSE" list.

I would facepalm, but, you know, that would hurt :p


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