
School's Out!

Apr 23, 2009 19:34

Final exam was today and dude. For not studying due to sick and general tiredness and apathy and Sam and Dean Winchester I think I managed to pull off something half-decent and possibly pass-inducing.

I got my papers back today, too. 27/30 for my mid-term (which is 2 marks higher than my mark for last semester's mid-term, so I can safely say I nearly rocked that one like I wanted to) and 18/20 for that God-forsaken book review (which is about what I got on my last book report, so no change there).

Graduation for those escaping fleeing graduating is next Friday and I'm going to attend with my mom. Mainly because we're such a small school that all the students being in attendance is important, not just for PR purposes, but to show support for our fellow students and graduates. And it's a heck of a good time. Edifying and a great blessing.

Am also going over next year's courses. Am currently still only able to do one class/semester to balance with the work thing, however for the fall semester I'm looking at taking two since one is only half a semester and a course I am greatly in need of taking.

So it looks to be Principles of Academic Research for the half-semester and Principles of Bible Study for the entire semester, as per the reccommendation of the Registrar. Because he's cool like that and has yet to steer me wrong in regards to courses that work well for me at this point in time. I have a crap load more choice for winter semester next year and have absolutely no idea what to do.

My choices are: Life of Christ; Intro to Missions; Public Speaking; Spirituality III: Puritan and Evangelical Spirituality; Systematics I: God, Revelation, Creation, Man, Sin; Principles and Methods of Teaching.

For fall semester my other choices were Biblical Hermeneutics and The Reformation to the Modern Era - Church History II. Mr. Edwards (the Registrar) said he'd rather I do Principles of Bible Study before doing the Hermeneutics class, since there's some ground-work that's laid down in the Bible Study course that comes in handy for the Hermeneutics class and Hermeneutics will be less flaily for me if I do Bible Study first. That being said, if the Principles of Academic Research wasn't being offered fall semester I'd be hard-pressed to choose between Bible Study and Church History, specially since Dr. Haykin usually teaches Church History and I vowed that I wouldn't leave TBS without doing at least one of Dr. Haykin's Church History classes, because the dude is AWESOME. Of course, I missed Church History I this semester, and only due to the fact that it ran 'til 9pm and my doing nights is not an option because the area isn't the greatest after dark. But either way...heh :)

Oh! I wanted to take you all with me to my exam today and thus brought my camera with me. However, due to my getting slightly distracted by some minor customer service issues at Starshmucks Starbucks (which I took in stride and with extreme patience and walked away from with a coupon for a free beverage; again the lesson being patience = free cookies coffee) I forgot to take pics of the Seminary building and the inside of the church. So I only took you guys as far as Union Station and hope to rectify the lapse by attempting to take some pics next Friday at Grad *sage nod* Otherwise you'll all have to wait until school starts up again in September for me, which is when I will be heading back that way again (unless something comes up that I plan to go to during the course of the summer, which is unlikely, but hey. You never know).

Wow. It's been a helluva week, let me tell you. And it's not over yet. I have my Book of the Month thing tomorrow, but I have workies from 9am to 3pm and then I have my Italian class on Saturday morning (exam review, whut!), but no workies, and then church and workies on Sunday.

I will, hopefully Saturday night, write up another CS post, because there's some stuff that I wanted to share from the last couple of weeks but keep forgetting to write up, and tonight I am going to try to work on my damnable scripts despite my being behind on Screnzy and then make a serious effort to write my Fic-a-Thon entry next week. I think I'm going to end up being a little late, as usual :/

And then AL prompts. Because April is almost over and I owe two prompts. I refuse to make it three.

script writing, writing, script frenzy, school

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