
Oh, this is just brilliant...

Mar 17, 2009 11:44

So this weekend was a busy weekend for me, with no sleeping in and such. Then again that's really no different from other weekends. Nor is the close-Sunday-be-in-at-10am-Monday anything unusual.

What was unusual, was the fact that I, for some odd reason didn't sleep very well Sunday night/Monday morning and when I woke up it felt like I had gone to bed far too late and gotten up far too early. When I got home from work at 3-ish, I went and lay down for a bit. Not really nappies, but snugglies with my pillow under my blankie for sure. And the only reason for it was because the half-hour I had spent on the laptop prior to laying down? Produced the same effect that sometimes occurs att he end of a long day, where your brain shuts down and say "NO MORE READING! I REFUSE TO READ" with that mental block that feels like something squeezing your brain and even thinking about anything is enough to make you queasy.

I made it through the evening with a quick round of WoW, then headed downstairs at 7:30pm to watch Twilight with the papa. At 9:30pm (I won't go into my Twilight reaction. Suffice to say that kaladhwen knows, as she and I chatted afterwards on AIM) I came up stairs, but at 10pm? I went to bed. The thought of staying up to watch Castle made me cry. Hell, the thought of staying up, period, made me cry.

So everyone headed to bed.

After a brief round of "omgsotired" crying, I crawled under the covers....and was promptly shivering like no one's business. Now, if this had been a room-too-cold thing, I know that getting up to warm my hands and wrists up with hot water and then crawling back into bed would make me warm again.

...It took me putting on sleepy pants, socks and wrapping my warm fuzzy bathrobe thingie I got for Christmas around me and then crawling under the duvet and my fuzzy Ikea blankie (which can be uber warm in it's own right and is generally enough to keep me warm) before the shaking subsided enough for me to finally deal with the weird head feelings so I could pass out. I didn't take any meds, since I had no idea what was wrong, which resulted in my waking up at some weird hour of the morning - I didn't check the time since my brain was still having issues processing stuff and I knew that knowing would only make things worse by keeping me up instead of going back to sleep.

Not to mention I was dizzy leik wo, and felt like I wanted to throw up. The throwing up feeling was (and still is, since I still feel a little queazy) mostly from the fact that for that first round of sleepies I was breathing through my mouth and any and all manner of crap from my lungs had somehow made its way into my tummy. Though the queazy part of me isn't my tummy, but rather just behind my sternum placing the queazy in my lungs.

The other two (three?) times I woke up the shivers were gone and I was sweating a bit. I still kept my bathrobe on all night, though, and ended up losing most of the covers in the process because hell, it was too hot.

I finally got up at 8am-ish, just before my dad left for work, feeling only slightly more human, but still with the wanting to be horizontal mostly yet incredibly restless and stiff. When I told my dad I wasn't feeling the greatest he was all "Why?????" and I was like "Buh....I dunno!" When I mentioned the shivering like a freak thing, he said that he had noticed that the thermostat had been lowered to 22ºC. I didn't mention how putting my wrist to my forehead last night yeilded the knowledge that my forehead was cold and clammy.

When he called me about an hour ago, I told him about the dizzy bits, and he joked and said maybe it was because I was napping to much. Then he admonished me and told me to get my shift covered for tonight because he didn't want me feeling like this and driving at midnight. (11pm, but meh. Who'm I to argue?)

I cancelled my eye-appointment today and am now trying to find people to take my shifts for tonight and tomorrow. First guy can't take tonight because he says he has an essay due tomorrow and I left a voicemail with another girl asking if she could take either of my shifts and to call Tim. If this were a regular shift, then it wouldn't be bad, but Shawn's already sick-ish and I'm going in at 3pm because Tim did a close-open to cover for Shawn today.

All in all, I have napped twice on the couch and both for an hour-plus. I can only really be on the laptop for half-hour inervals before I get back to the start of the "omgreadingbadomg" thing, though it doesn't persist when I leave and go back to napping.

Water, which is my arch nemesis and will not make it past my gag reflex, can be disguised as Kool-Aid and ingested like so. I have managed to eat my whole grain blueberry muffin, a single bite right before my last nappies and the rest just now, so my tummy being empty and me being more dehydrated is no longer contributing to the weridness.


Possibly this is me on the verge of serious burn out? Or just a really sneaky and nefarious cold-type thing? I dunno. Either way, I want it to stop.

...I go nappies again.

Please clicky? Don't want any of these to bite it -->

blah, annoyed, sick

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