

Mar 26, 2008 10:28

So, a couple of months ago when we picked up a new desktop comp for my mom, my dad was lamenting the fact that he was going to need a new one, at some point, too. I cheerfully suggested that he buy me a new laptop instead and he could have my old one and use it as a desktop (which is essentially what I was using it as). He just gave me a uh-huh, whatever you say kiddo *eyeroll* look.

Two weeks ago I come home from work and he's all "So, wanna new laptop?"

Cue my suspicious peering and cautious "...Maybe."

So um, yeah. He said he'd put $500 - $800 down on a new laptop and I'd pay the rest and he'd take my old one and use it instead of buying a new desktop, since he'd be paying $800 for the cheapest one anyway. My new baby was picked up yesterday, noon-ish, and I am finally finished the basics to get me reconnected with email, AIM, interwebz and World of Warcraft and LJ. Semagic is going to be a bitch to go through, simply due to sheer number of journals I'd have to re-add to the log-in page. I'm seeing this as an opportunity to only have the journals I use most listed in the menu now, the way I did when I re-set -up Eudora for my million and one email accounts, so now only the ones that I know are regularily active are being checked constantly. As soon as the others come into play again, I'll add them one at a time as necessity dictates.

So yes. This would be me on my shiny new HP Pavillion, with a measly 2MB RAM, 220GB HD, Intel Centrino dual processor and an Nvidia graphics card with it's own dedicated memory (I can't recall how much). I am absolutely chuffed that so far? Things seem to be meshing well with Vista (*shudder*), and by things I mean things, such as my wireless mouse, Eudora (so far! Vista was not a listed OS on the download page. *figers crossed*), Firefox, et al. And Vista didn't freak on my head when I usurped MSIE with Firefox, so I call that a win.

And after only having about 20 minutes of actual typing to do yesterday and seeing as how this is the most typing I've done and I'm almost fairly comfortable with the new keyboard, I'm thinking me and this one are Meant To Be. I just gotta remember where certain buttons are, like the delete key, and the fact that my shift keys and enter buttons are a tad smaller and a little out of place. (And, joy of joys, I can turn the touch-pad off. You have no idea how maddening it was, typing and suddenly having the words appear in the middle of another line where they shouldn't be. *kisses it*)

*sigh* Now I have to remember what all I had on my old laptop programs-wise that I need that I'm missing... My dad won't be wiping the other laptop for a bit yet, so we can make sure I have all the pertinant things.

(Oh! iTunes! Must remember to DL and install iTunes!)

Whee :) New computers is fun.

ETA: Hey, Bria and Dia? Did you guys get your packages yet, too? Or was it just Ana and Ali that got theirs? *is curious and paranoid all at the same time*


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