
Icon MeMe

Nov 09, 2007 13:01

Comment on this post. I will choose six userpics from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are using them. Post your answers (and this explanation of the meme) in your own journal (if you want) so others can play along.

HarthDarth - Grateful Dead

As far as explaining what this one means, I'm still not entire sure just which Jedi that is. I think it's Mace Windu, since he looks like he's got a bald head. And it's obviously a play on words for the band of the same name. Simply put, this is one of the icons I use when showing my appreciation of something someone has done. I need to use it more often, I think.

KOTOR -- Visas

Visas Marr is one of those under-appreciated secondary characters in the Knights of the Old Republic game :) She's a bizarre character in that she serves one of the uber-Sith you need to defeat, but she is so influenced by you that she switches sides quite easily. This is one of those "OMG! It's a fandom post!" icons, or just a random icon to use when referring to the game or that time period in Galactic history.


gumnut made this one for everyone who felt that their work was the ball-and-chain sucking the life out of them. She had a post for all those who wanted to declare it and offered the icon to all who wanted in the 'club'. Used for work-related posts, but I rarely use it for such, because the mood of the post often belies the angsty-drama the icon implies :)

Voyager - Borg Assimilated Icon

I though this was a funny icon when I saw it. Sort of a "Fandom Eats Me and My Soul" icon. I use this when I don't have a fandom-specific icon for roughly the same sentiment.

Firefly/Serenity - River Inna Box

Haha! This one is a bit of an inside-joke type icon. It spawned from a conversation between me and Cat. She had read one of my Firefly stories and told me it was " a box!" I was musing on icon possibilities and stated I wanted one for Simon that said " a box!" at which point I paused and realized "HEY! River was in a box! See??? That should be her icon and tag line!" And thus the icon was born. It goes into regular rotation wherever Firefly posts abound.

SGA - Yoda

Hee :) My "when fandoms collied" icon. Cat had that pic taken of her Yoda backpack at ComicCon'07 back in August. As soon as I saw it I knew I wanted an icon of it. Because Yoda wearing an SGA hat is too funny, and totally encompasses the absurdity of cross-overs. Seriously, what would you say if you saw Yoda pimped out in an SGA hat as he wafted down the halls of the Jedi Temple on his floaty chair?

...Dude, that so needs a fic now.

icons, meme

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