
100Moods: #095 -- Thoughtful

Jul 12, 2007 14:06

Title: Sky's High
Prompt: Picture Prompt ; 100Moods: Thoughtful
Character: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Fandom: Star Wars
Word Count: 476
Rating: PG
Warnings None.
Disclaimer George Lucas owns Star Wars. Lucas is King. If he doesn't like me pilfering his characters, he can have his merchandise back.
Summary: The moments a Jedi finds to reflect on his surroundings must be taken advantage of in the full. No matter what circumstances surround it.
Author's Notes: Managed to find a prompt that worked with this one, so I figured I should take advantage.

Coruscant's sky really was beautiful, when Obi-Wan stopped to think about it. (Which I never do, come to think of it.) And when you could get a good look in one of the no-fly zones, it was truly fantastic. Stopping on a corner and tilting your head way back to look at the buildings reaching for the heavens could give one a case of vertigo if you weren't careful, but that was half the fun. The moment of dizziness and slight nausea was a heady experience that left one reeling at the immensity and audacity of the architecture. It also made one feel like the smallest speck of dust in an otherwise teeming universe. It was a moment of humblness that all Masters sought to impress upon their young charges.

Obi-Wan watched the clouds saunter across the blueness, uncaring to where it was they needed to be. It gave him the impression that it was he and the surrounding buildings that were moving, as opposed to the fluffy clusters of water vapour and gas so high above. The absence of buzzing traffic helped him to forget that he was on the galaxy's central planet. It gave him a sense of peacefulness that was difficult to find on Coruscant, with all the rushing, pressing crowds. It was nice to slow down and feel at one with everything.

The Jedi...(no, wait. Scratch that.) All the beings in the galaxy (much better) were not the be-all/end-all of existence. No, they were each an invisible thread in the unending tapestry of life. (Qui-Gon would be proud if he heard me say that.) It was a simple truth that tended to get lost in the minutiae of day-to-day life. It only took a single moment of clarity, and a quick glance up at the sky to remind one of one's place in the galaxy.

"That was some tumble, Padawan," the smiling face of Qui-Gon Jinn suddenly appeared in Obi-Wan's unobstructed view of the clouds. "You fell, what? Two, three levels?"

Obi-Wan frowned. "It's not funny, Master. I could have broken something."

"But you didn't, which is a testament to your control over the Force," the elder Jedi replied, beaming as he held a hand out to his young companion. "I still think it's amazing that you landed flat on your back. You can't even manage that when you get knocked down during 'sabre practice."

"Oh, hush," the Padawan huffed, accepting the helping-hand and pulling himself up off the ground. He brushed off his uniform and rolled his shoulders, working out some of the stiffness starting to take hold of his muscles.

"Still, I wish I had captured that," Qui-Gon said solemnly. "For training purposes."

Obi-Wan shot him a glare and headed off, leaving the grinning Master behind him. One of these days, he'd get Qui-Gon back, even if it killed him.

qui-gon, 100moods, obi-wan

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