Um, guys? My NaNo project? I'm not naming any names, Simon but you fandom pups are not allowed to put yourselves into this story! Yeah, it's supposed to be ORIGINAL.
No, I don't care how nifty it would be if I could do a whole cross-over thing for you, but seriously, your presence in this story makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. You are not supposed to be stranded on this particular planet, because you are supposed to be elsewhere getting down with Kaylee doing other things.
Original does not equal fandom-crossover opportunity. This is an exercise to see if I can write a novel length story with these original characters in this original 'verse.
I'm not making any promises, but provided you stay as active as you are, I'll do a nice, multi-fandom piece next year. Okay? Okay.
Now shut up.
And, before I forget, I finally got my holter results back. Doc said that the test really doesn't tell him anything outside of what I'm feeling, and what he was seeing was something that is actually completely normal. He says everyone experiences the extra heartbeats at some point, and the trick is so long as it's not accompanied by shortness of breath or chest pains, it's shiny.
I just need to find what's triggering it, so I can make a lifestyle choice, i.e. if it's more the chocolate and less the caffeinated beverages (or vise versa, or both equally) then do I cut out the chocolate for good, or do I allow myself to indulge, knowing what it'll do? Also, I'm going to ask my boss that he start honouring my availability sheet in the strictest sense. Because if it's more the fatigue from this wacky shift work, then dude, I would like to make this work. And seriously, with the way shifts get scheduled for me, it makes me wonder why I filled that damned thing out in the first place.
Because I have on there that on Friday and Saturday nights, I am only available to work between 10am and 10pm, which takes into consideration the fact that Saturday morning I have my Weight Watchers thing and Sunday morning is church. I have the same stipulation on Tuesday nights, 9am to 10pm, because I generally have bible study on Wednesday morning.
These availabilities have not been honoured very much in the last 4 months, and if you read my NaNo journal, then you know that this past weekend was no exception. If I come back from the trip I'm leaving for next week and I'm no longer feeling the way I am, then yeah. Time to seriously sit down with my boss and lay it down for him.
I really don't want to go looking for another job. This one is about as much as I can take at the moment, and insofar as retail is concerned, it's probably one of the lower stress ones out there.
I hate this.