
A Letter...

Jun 07, 2006 09:28

To the shabla di'kut that I almost hit this morning:

If you are in the curb-lane approaching an intersection with your right-hand turn signal on, it is very logical - and quite possibly a universal constant - that the person going in the opposite direction who is wanting to turn left onto the same street will assume that you are making a right-hand turn at that intersection and that it is safe to make their left-hand turn.


Owning an older model Mustang convertible* and driving with the top down does NOT give you the right to behave as if your brain were made of osik!

Dude, I should know. I have a Mustang convertible.

Next time this happens you will find yourself the victim of a commando strike, in which your pretty little car will be tagged as expendable and blown to smithereens, courtesy of a thermal detonator lovingly provided by Fi.

...Just so we're clear on that.

Absolutely no love whatsoever,

*I have absolutely no idea what kind of car it was. The nice, up-close-and-personal side-view I got of the thing as I slammed on my breaks suggested that it was a Mustang, seeing as how I noted no other detail other than his right-hand turn signal.

letter, driving, idiots

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