Rockin like a party star...

Nov 20, 2004 03:05

Haha, Emily was tellin us over our "SUPER SIZE" margaritas at Chevy's that she always tries to say "partyin like a rock star" and it comes out "rockin like a party star." Well, tonight, we were rockin like party stars. :) I am sad for all who couldn't come. Chevy's was fun, and then Delirium was also fun. Highlights of the evening:
1. Emily peeing a fountain at the end of the Stonestown Muni stop because we didn't have enough time to get to a bathroom before Muni came
2. Me getting my picture taken by this extremely drunk girl in the bathroom the VERY FIRST THING when we got to Delirium
3. Dana trying to make me have to pee and instead making herself have to pee
4. Me sitting at the "cool" table (ask me about this later)
5. Us all driving home w/seven ppl in Karen's ghetto Geo Metro w/Emily on Marco's lap in the front seat and Jessica spread out across Paul, Sarah and me in the back seat
6. Marco playing "little brother" to Jessica by pretending to try to give her a wet Willie
OK, so Marco reminds me of one of the RAs I knew at Davis, when I was an SRA...which just made me feel right at home. Karen was a crackup, and Sarah...damn, that girl is HILARIOUS. We were laughing so hard throughout the car ride along Portola that our stomachs were killing us.
Note to self: Make sure to tell April to go to Delirium with Megan---smoking room! [Schweeeeeet].
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