Jan 16, 2008 06:49
i clearly have fallen out of the habit of posting.
i think i need a new blog - like dana's. so dana and i can read each other's blogs - clearly that's why we have them. well and to amuse amy whenever she decides to do a bit of stalking.
danny (our new dog) is doing really well. he's sleeping on his danny chair right now. we're only letting him on that one piece of furniture right now. it's not that the matching couch isnt' hideous, but i'd like to think some day we'll be able to afford something nicer and i rather not have him confuse my nice furniture with this wonderful palimpsest of three years worth of collecting.
i think i've found a topic for my master's thesis.... i think. i might be a bit too broad, but i have a meeting with one of the professors today so i'll talk to him about it.
originally i only knew i wanted to do photography, probably architectural photography to be more specific. my professor, gary, informed me of an exhibition called 'the death of photography' happening right now at the stephen bulger gallery. it's basically about how digital photography has killed real photography - the art of if anyway. it's the concept, that now any schmuck that is really good at photoshop can call himself a photographer, whereas before it was actually a craft. an art. dont' get me wrong, i'm sure there are hundreds of real photographers, talented people (ie aleks), that still use digitral equipment (b/c lets be honest, right now it's hard to get a job if you dont).
anyway, i really like this idea. a couple months ago tony's mom gave me tony mancini sr's old camera - and i mean old. the thing is as heavy as a brick. but it feels so real, you know? compared to my digital camera, which actually weighs as much as a plastic cup, there is so much more substance (literally and figratively speaking) in the old camera.
anyway, this got me thinking thins morning at 5am ... danny needed to go outside at 4 and i couldnt' get back to sleep. apparently our new mattress is so freaking good i was fully rested after six hours. maybe we should have kept the old one? blast it.
right.. the point of beginning that last paragraph. i started thinking and going off on a bit of a tangent, or perhaps just expanding. architecture is also dead, or dying. not literally, but the craft and knowledge people needed thirty or fifty years ago, so not what we need now. it's still an incredibly complex industry, but it doesn't get the respect or appreciation it did before - the only time you have an architect in the movies, is when you want to portray someone successful and attractive.. that (somehow) always has a LOT of time on their hands... quite realistic.
so the craft of architecture is dying too.. vitruvius said to be a successful architect you have to be versed in music, philosophy, figures, medecine, geometry and so on.... in terms of renaissance men, architects were the shit.
typography is the same. i mean the design of fonts, letters, graphic communication.....
and this is all due to wonderful technology and the digital world.
so i'm thinking i want to do 'the death of craft: architecture, photography & typography"
i'm not sure how to go about it, but that's what this term is for.... to figure that out. if i do all three my final defense my have to include my own work in all three categories which is a bit overwhelming but exciting at the same time. an exhibition of my photographs, graphic design (typography to be exact) and a hand drawn, rendered, no machines used design.
hmmmmmm....... no computer? don't tell my father.
well, i'll use it for google.