The Best Gift (Edward/Bella Christmas Fic)

Dec 19, 2008 16:51

Title: The Best Gift
Author: agathons_fan 
Characters/Pairing: Edward/Bella
Rating: G
Category: Fluffy Goodness
Spoilers: None. If you read Twilight your good. No real time frame. Sorta AU I guess.
Word Count: 502
Beta: the most wonderful abmo 
Summary: Edward wants to get Bella a gift, but there is only one thing that Bella really wants. (Bella is human.)
Authors note: Was written for lion_lamb  December contest “Gift Exchange”. This is technically my second Twilight fic. I cant post my first one until the 24th because its a gift.


“Bella, please!” Edward begged.

As amusing as the sight of Edward begging was, Bella was beginning to get irritated. She knew he didn’t mean to make her mad, he was just being Edward. She took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “Edward, I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you.”

“Come on Bella there has to be something.”

Bella pretended to think for a moment before answering, “Nope. Sorry.”

“Bella why are you being so difficult?”

“I'm not being difficult, I just don't want anything. I'm serious. We don't need to exchange gifts because I have everything I have ever wanted. I have you.” Bella stated matter-of-factly. Edward only rolled his eyes in response, which brought a smile to her face.

After a few moments, Bella thought he finally gave up. Edward let out a loud sigh and looked over at her. “How about a…..”

“Ugh! No Edward.” Bella cut him off before he could finish his sentence. Apparently this conversation wasn’t over.

“But you don't even know what I was…”

“I'm sure it’s another gift that is way too expensive and unnecessary. So no.” Bella said as she slumped back onto her pillows.

“Come on Bella, I can’t not get you something. It’s Christmas!” Edward replied as he laid his head on her pillows and pulled her close.

Bella thought about it for a moment before a smug look crossed her face. She knew how to end this conversation. “Well if you really want to get me something….”

“Yes?” Edward urged.

“There is something that I really, really want.” Bella said as she brushed the hair off her shoulders, leaving her neck fully exposed and leaned closer to his face.

Edward only sighed as comprehension came to him. He caught Bella by her shoulders before she could get too close and gently laid her back on her bed. “Bella,” he answered disapprovingly.

“Edward.” Bella replied, trying to mock his tone.

“Bella, you know..”

“No, you know. You shouldn’t ask questions that you aren’t going to like the answer to.”

“Fine.” He responded almost angrily.

“Fine.” She returned, worried that maybe she’d gone too far. She didn’t want him to be mad at her, she just wanted him to stop. Edward took a deep, calming breathe before squeezing her arms in a gentle reassurance. “I'm sorry. Its late. You should get some sleep.”

“Are you mad at me?”

“You know I could never get mad at you.” Edward smiled, giving her a kiss on the forehead and began to hum her lullaby.

“Ok.” Bella yawned, cuddling herself up to him as much as possible. “I love you,” She whispered into his chest.

“I love you too,” He replied and continued to hum.

It was moments like these she cherished. Her and Edward cuddled up together on her bed with no interruptions, no evil vampires attacking, no Charlie; just him, her and her lullaby. This was the best gift he could ever give her, that he did give her, every night.


books:twilight, fan fiction

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