Mar 27, 2014 22:06

Okay, people this is my to-be-read/already read, reading list. I am always accepting book recs, so I am looking to my flist to help accommodate me. THIS LIST NEEDS TO BE LONGER! I like both old and newer recs. So please don't be shy.

To Be Read (in no particular order):
  1. Lord of the Rings Series by J.R.R. Tolkien
  2. Re-read Harry Potter Series by J.K. ( Read more... )

misc:books, real life/about me, books:a song of ice and fire, books:hobbit/lord of the rings, books:sword of truth series, books:divergent, books:castor chronicles

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Comments 6

mrsdrjackson March 28 2014, 06:13:06 UTC
There isn't enough time or space to list all the books I rec people. So here, have some authors lol.

Kim Harrison. Patricia C Wrede. OMG SEANAN MCGUIRE. Tamora Pierce. Patricia Briggs. Mercedes Lacky. DID I MENTION SEANAN MCGUIRE?

Do you have a Good Reads account?

Dude. How have you not read the HOBBIT?


mrsdrjackson March 28 2014, 06:20:59 UTC
Cherie Priest and Gail Carriger have two very different spins on steampunk that are both VERY worth your time.


agathons_fan March 30 2014, 04:05:41 UTC
Got it. Noted!


agathons_fan March 30 2014, 04:05:24 UTC
Author rec's work! Thanks so much! I will definitely look into these. :) I knew I could count on you for some good rec's.

No I don't have a Good read account, but I will definitely look into that as well. OMG! WHY HAVE I NOT ALREADY HAD A GOOD READS ACCOUNT?!!?! I'm blaming you! :P

No judging! This is a no judging journal and you are violating those rules!!! Lol.


mylengrave March 29 2015, 22:07:04 UTC
Hi! Feel free to join new community 20 in 20!


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