Or not.
Admittedly, it's not as bad as some, although that probably has more to do with the knowledge that I'm leaving the madhouse and less to do with the bountiful goodness of mankind. Because mankind? Bounty free.
I am annoyed, however, because I was invited to my first ever cocktail party, and I couldn't go because I had to work until 9:30, so instead of putting on a posh frock and nibbling cheeses I was staring at our bizarrely empty store and listening to "Christmas in Killarney" for the 27th goddamn time.
Today, I went over to Daddykins and Stepmothra and decorated the tree.
Several years ago, they abandoned the whole paying-eighty-dollars-for-a-dying-plant-that-may-burn-your-house-down thing and bought an artificial tree. It's quite good, as pseudo conifers go (comes in three easy to store pieces!), but it was somewhat strange to watch my father assemble a tree. It was then left to me to decorate it. Initially, I wasn't completely happy with the results. I felt that at least one more string of lights was needed to achieve optimal twinklyness, but I didn't have that fifth string, so I tried to compensate by adding as many of the shiny ornaments as possible (the tree needs more bling!). Decorating is hard work, ya'll.
After that, it was time for Dinner With The Family, which, if nothing else, once again reinforced my decision to remain childless. Christ on a Christmas tree, it was exhausting. Little I is the princess of the family, constantly demanding attention and doing whatever the hell she wants. She is rapidly leaving Adorable Precociousness and heading right to Bratsville. Someone discipline that damn child!
Anyway, I got leftovers, so lunch tomorrow is covered.
Off to bed now. Another day in the trenches awaits.
Can I get a "hell yeah" to this?