Why did I get up today?

May 24, 2009 22:12

*Arrived at the store to find the deadbolt on, which I do not have a key for. Had to wait for manager. Store opened late as a result.

*Cash register froze. Turned out the mouse up and died. Stupendous.

*Knee really, really hurts. Something about new floor is awful.

*Found out that Canfor is cancelling all of their contracts. This possibly equals no job.

*There was a girl wearing elf ears in the store. Elf ears. Didn't personally affect me per se, just really damn weird.

*While trying to mash chick peas, broke masher, ejecting chick peas all over the floor.

I was going to work on my lamp (I'm making a lamp! Out of books!), but decided that working with power tools would be ill-advised.

oh what the hell

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