A heapin' pile o' linkspam, along with some tangential discussion

Jan 27, 2007 21:41

Technically, I should support PETA. After all, I am a vegetarian who thinks fur is gross, buys organic milk and free-range eggs, and checks everything I buy to see if it was tested on animals (for real. My shampoo, my dish soap, the stuff I clean the tub with, it is all cruelty-free). And yet, despite all that, I detest PETA. It's not that they don't get stuff done, because they do. But what bugs me about them is that they seem to have decided that the best way to spread their message is by exploiting women. The most recent example of this is their State of the Union Undress. It's a video of a pretty girl explaining what PETA has achieved in the previous year, and what their continued goals are. While taking her clothes off. Why? Why do we need to see her titties? What does her commitment to pubic grooming have to do with animal rights? Why does everything they do have to involve T&A?

Hey, PETA, why not take all that money you spend on ads, and use it to look after the animals you pull out of shelters. You know, instead of killing them?

Aaand, speaking of the exploitation of women, the new thing on the Seattle coffee scene is scantily clad baristas. "If I'm going to pay $4 for a cup of coffee" said one male customer, "I'm not going to get served by a guy." Thank goodness this hasn't caught on here.

Science vs Religion: The Battle Continues.

Aaand, speaking of religion, our friends at the Rebelution bring us the The Goodness Test. I took it twice. The first time I answered honestly. The second time, I clicked "innocent" for every answer. The bad news is, I'm going to Hell. The good news is, everyone is going to Hell, so at least I'll have lots of company.

8th Century ship found in Mediterranean. Cool.

Military develops ray gun. We are that much closer to replicators. I look forward to that glorious day.

The best sci-fi fashions

Buffy, season 8, in comic form. Hurrah!

Once, while talking to anik, I mentioned that one of my favourite Raffi songs was "Ghost Riders in the Sky", to which she wanted to know if he had also done "Ring of Fire". Well, check it. I so want this.

Swedish librarian fashion show. I am more dazzled by the library than I am the clothes.

Pimp my bookcart. I love the winning design. Maybe I just like the idea of a pink bookcart (although you could use the horns to gore annoying people. Oooh.)

"She's a killer, with huge pointy teeth!"



Also had a very bizarre dream last night. I was in a mall. On the tv screens, Geri Haliwell was crying because she had been unable to maintain her vow of chastity, as was required to be a nun. I went to a vegetable store run by the Capilano Indian Band, where there was an issue with the avacadoes. And then there were zombies.

Subconscious? Please stop being so weird.

feminism, religion, animals, linkspam

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