Sixteen years ago this month, Mothra and Steppater went to the mall to run a few errands. While there, they stopped at the pet store, just to look. There was a cocker spaniel puppy there. They looked at the puppy. The puppy looked at them. "This is really stupid", they said, as they handed over the credit card.
Thus entered Jess.
About four years later, my mother injured her shoulder badly enough to warrent surgery. With her arm immobilized in a sling, she was bored out of her mind. Then, one day down at the Co-op, she saw a sign: "Golden Retriever X puppies, $10".
Enter Sophie.
The parents retired earlier this year. About a month ago, they started volunteering at the SPCA, walking dogs. "So, Mum, how long until you bring one home?" "Oh, no, we're not going to do that" "Uh-huh" "We're not".
Meet Coda.
Like this wasn't completely inevitable.