Nov 26, 2010 10:35
I am sitting in my circular chair where I read, write, pray and think.
I am listening to one of the cats try to destroy an empty cardboard box while the other lays in the sun looking on.
I am eating a poptart, contemplating coffee.
I am breathing easily, muscles soft but strong. I am Aligned.
I dreamed last night and this morning.
I chuckle at the memories of spending Thanksgiving with my in-laws. I smile at the ones to come tonight at my parents' house.
It's my dad's birthday. This past March we were sure he would die. In September he walked with me down an aisle and saw me marry my best friend. Today he is 65 and Well.
There is rock music coming from my speakers but everything feels so quiet.
I close the ads, the shopping specials. A misty thought passes - I've already passed from the "red" into the metaphorical "black" and am surrounded by such abundance and prosperity and am nearly drunk on gratitude while I tend it.
And then my other cat begins to throw up and I can't help but laugh as this quiet moment passes. I jump up to coax him into aiming onto the paper towel I dance in front of him while he tries to hide. Nothing grounds you to the moment like cat puke.
Through my window bright sunlight looks white white in the cold air. I realize this "moment" has been renewing and rebirthing itself stronger and stronger over the last weeks, months, years. I can more easily find the leading edge of changing present. I can move into it, sometimes I orchestrate it, sometimes I let it come.
I pet my kitty, soothing him and reminding him he's not in trouble. I soothe my flipping stomach, amused that my own always contemplates if it should join the cats' lead.
After a moment the cat returns to his sunlight.
I return to my chair.
I am breathing easily, muscles soft but strong.
I am Aligned and can feel myself growing.
I give thanks.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well.