This morning, as I do what I do, I received the following to muse over:
"[in order to achieve our goals]...we must be single-minded in our efforts. This does not mean that we become less, rather we allow ourselves to become more."
It seems like a fine day to head to a newly discovered place near me. The Thai Theraveda
Buddhist temple near me hosts Vipassana meditation sessions free and open to the public. Instead of going out to a social FWF Samhain celebration, some friends are headed to visit the venerable monks, students and local Thai community this evening. I don't know much about Buddhism (nor have experienced the difference between Mahayana, Theraveda or even Zen) outside of the bare-bones basics, so I'm eager to sit, walk, bow, do, listen and learn. I'm also interested in getting an energetic read/feel. That'll speak volumes long after I've forgotten the exact words.
In the hope of deepening what I see as mindfulness, in order to see deeper into myself and ask better questions, enact better action, off I go!