Title: Historical fact: S. Holmes invented "the floor is lava." (5/6)
sherry_vernet (
agaryulnaer86 &
Rating: R
Pairing: Holmes/Watson
Disclaimer: Not ours.
Summary: In which Mrs. Hudson pwns.
Spoilers: Nothing but the movie and maybe some book canon.
Warnings: More sex? Aftermath of aforementioned activities?
Word Count: 3,267
Author's Notes: Letters-verse. 5 of 6.
Part Five AND
Title: Historical fact: S. Holmes invented "the floor is lava." (6/6)
sherry_vernet (
agaryulnaer86 &
Rating: R
Pairing: Holmes/Watson
Disclaimer: Not ours.
Summary: Holmes’ attempt to aid the Poet Laureate are received poorly by more than one audience.
Spoilers: Nothing but the movie and maybe some book canon.
Warnings: Uhh… even more sex. Really there’s no end to the situations that end in sex with these two.
Word Count: 5,492
Author's Notes: Letters-verse. 6 of 6.
Part Six