Title: Historical fact: S. Holmes invented "the floor is lava." (1/6)
sherry_vernet (
agaryulnaer86 &
Rating: R
Pairing: Holmes/Watson
Disclaimer: If only they really were ours.
Summary: In which Holmes is in mortal danger.
Spoilers: Movie, as well as our previous fic, "Letters"
Warnings: Drug use. Slash.
Word Count: 6,978
Author's Notes: Next immense chapter of the Letters-verse. 1 of 6.
PART ONE Title: Historical fact: S. Holmes invented "the floor is lava." (2/6)
sherry_vernet (
agaryulnaer86 &
Rating: R
Pairing: Holmes/Watson
Disclaimer: If only they really were ours.
Summary: Just when you thought this was a silly fic full of fluffy goodness, BAM! Surprise angst attacks again.
Spoilers: Movie, as well as our previous fic, "Letters"
Warnings: Drug use, copious amounts of angst.
Word Count: 6,030
Author's Notes: Next immense chapter of the Letters-verse. 2 of 6.