i was sent back to sunny lowville today.
i was expecting and looking forward to spending a night there. co-worker gregg was giving me good news that he was trying to get me there for the construction season that was starting. then it turned out i had to go back home because a mistake was made with assigning equipment. on the way home i gave co-worker caleb a ride to the office; it came up in conversation that he had been brought up to the position i was hoping to get. when i got back to the office at 8 i saw on the assignment board that i was not scheduled for lowville at all, i was scheduled for syracuse as well as ft. drum.
it would be pretty hard now to feel guilty about bonnaroo and leaving the area.
here's the real news:
i was eating my warmed-up leftover meal of roast beef when i noticed that i had a sliver of the crusty part stuck in the back of my throat. cough as i might, it would not come free. not that it was impeding my breathing or anything, but i could feel it working itself farther back, or at least it seemed so. so i can't go to sleep with this, it might come free and choke me. that would be great, right, i'd be the loser who choked on his dinner when no one even knew he was home. so i gargled; no luck. i stick my finger on my tongue, tongue depresser-style and say "GAAAAAAAGHH!", and i can see the thing in the mirror. its stuck in a wrinkle in my fat throat or something. coughing and gargling is repeated, unsuccessfully.
is it a good idea to grab for it with the tweezers? ...nothing else comes to mind. so i'm fishing in the back of my throat with tweezers, and after puking a full five times, i decide i need more reach. my tongs wouldn't be any good, they wouldn't grasp. scissors must be the answer.
scissors were not the answer. puking around a pair of scissors in the back of your throat can make you nervous. so i tried the tweezers again, and basically swallowed my fist. and you know what, after a few times it worked. i ate the rest of my dinner, and filled the rest of the void with grains of paradise.
take that world, i'm a winner!