The TV show, that is, not the character, because that's not his name.
45 today! *huggles the show, everyone involved in making it, everyone who makes fandom more than worth the wank (that's all of you)*
Jen was very surprised that I got a question wrong on a Doctor Who quiz on Facebook. I didn't, the answer was wrong. No, really, it was. Or was it the forty-fifth anniversary of An Unearthly Child back in August and it's like Christmas, our counting's out and has been for ages?
I'm not celebrating, although I would very much like to, because I have eight weeks of reading diary to write, due in at noon two pm tomorrow. It's only PASS/FAIL, not graded, so aiming for the minimum of six, five to go.
As a distraction,
Some pics mine, some not. You can probably tell the difference. I'm afraid I have no idea where I got the others from.
Okay, that's far too much procrastination