Evolution of the Daleks review

Apr 28, 2007 22:20

In which I ramble incoherently and make no chronological sense.

THEY KILLED SOLOMON! At least he had truly excellent last words even if trying to tell a Dalek that it's really the same as humanity is Not Recommended For Your Health

Martha being told in no uncertain terms not to try and out-angst Tallulah, three l's and a h? (At least she didn't end up the same way as Lynda-with-a-y.) Made of win.

I demand/ask/beg someone to write Tallulah/Laszlo fic entitled 'A Pig and a Showgirl.'

I take this as definitive proof that imagination equals Death of the Daleks. Dalek Sec was not a Dalek. Whereas the Dalek in 'Dalek' hated its humanity, Sec revelled in it.

I applaud the Daleks self-control/obedience. Not killing the Doctor? Suggesting that Davros had been wrong? Saying that having emotions rock and being the supreme species isn't all it's cracked up to be? Basically, as I think the Doctor said, going against everything that makes a Dalek? Something had to break sooner or later, and for Daleks, they have a remarkable grasp of what humilates a person.

The Doctor helping Dalek Sec reminded me of the Doctor helping Amelia in the Big Finish audio Project Twilight. I was rather hoping that Dalek Sec would do the same as her. Also, the Daleks killing their leader is not a new thing.

I happen to be rather upset over the death of the Human/Dalek/Time Lord hybrids. What a screwed-up species. But it makes logical sense for the Daleks to have a contingency plan. After all, Daleks are logical above all else except maybe the xenophobia.

So a big YAY for Daleks being Daleks and doing Dalek-y things ie. killing everyone in sight, even if the victims happen to be an awesome guy called Solomon/their only hope of getting along with the Doctor/extreme examples of genetic engineering. And even though this means we are back at the Last Dalek stage, awaiting the next excuse in a chain of increasingly ridiculous ways to bring back the Daleks (plural).

fandom: doctor who, reviews, character: tenth doctor, character: martha jones

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