Deadliest Sin, PG, 100 words,

Jul 14, 2009 13:57

Title: Deadliest Sin
Characters: Helen, Nick
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Summary: Pride is the worst of all the deadly sins.
Notes: Written for the 'Past Challenges' challenge on primeval100, using the recent challenge 'Pride'. Spoilers for 3x03 and 3x10.

Helen’s trouble, her father always said, was her pride.

That pride led her to the affair with Stephen; to her eight years absence.

“Not now, Helen.”

She was better than this.

“...crackpot theories!”

She’d show him.

That pride made her pull the trigger.

“Know what, Helen? You’re not as smart as I thought you were.”

Suddenly the future didn’t matter: the shot was as impulsive a response as a book thrown across the room.

In that last remarkably clear moment, she knew that if a higher power existed, it had a twisted sense of humour.

Pride goes before a fall.

character: nick cutter, fandom: primeval, fic, character: helen cutter

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