Dec 19, 2009 09:39
Circle walking à la Baguazhang trains human skills across the board. A sort of 360 degree awareness develops from not only walking in a circle but walking in a circle while maintaining whole body awareness with a moveable root descending to the core of Earth from each foot. Changing direction without losing balance, the sensation of twisting around obstacles, enhancement of whole body awareness where a whole new universe of possible movements opens with repeated exposure. The ineffective silliness of using for instance my arm to knock a person over or only use my fingers to type becomes obvious as I feel the whole spiral of my body's muscles move together in a motion that becomes a whirlwind of force all moving together. But then I hit a glitch and the trance fades. Yet, the more I practice (daily is the only way to make a difference that stays) the less clingy the glitches become.