My Perfume Oils Wishlist (updated 09.11.21)

Dec 31, 2006 12:00

Last updated 09.11.21

NEW: at this point in time, I am primarily looking to swap for things on here only. However, I have been out of the buying loop for quite some time, so If I have something that you want but you have nothing on my list, you can try me with your swap list and maybe we can work something out. :)

All wishlisted items are decants, imps, skarabs, pips, poppets, petals, or whatever, unless otherwise noted.

Starred (*) ones I really want. Bolded and starred means I REALLY want it! :)

If you have one of the htf/rares I'm looking for that you're willing to swap, please contact me with your wishlist. I also have some HTFs and rares that I'd be willing to swap that aren't listed on my swap/sales page at the moment, or would swap heavily in your favor from my sales page. Thanks!

Kraken, the (any amount) *
Peaches Crave Pirates (any amount) *

Other Arcana items: try me on any of the more recent updates, and/or on soaps, especially the Labdanum SN soap.

Bayou (empty, partial or full 5ml)
Blood Countess (empty, parital or full 5ml) *
Dublin (any amount) *
Eat the Strawberries * (any amount)
Fire Monkey (Lunar New Year 2016) *
Frederic (2012) (decant only)
Fuck You, Said the Raven (any amount) *
Gingerbread Snake (2013) (partial or full 5ml) *
Grainne Mhaille * (any amount. Please, please, please! I will swap heavily in your favor for this! Paypal is also definitely an option!)
Juliet (empty, partial or full 5ml) *

L'Estate (any amount) *

Lovers Embrace Under a Cock Kimono
Lughnasadh (any amount) *
My Little Grotesque (partial or full 5ml)
Pink Moon *
Pumpkin Cheesecake Cupcake (any amount) *
Pumpkin I (Weenies 2014) *
Pumpkin II (Weenies 2014)
Pumpkin King (any amount) *
Unseelie (any amount)
Virgo (Celestials, not 2007) (5ml or decant) *
Visions of Autumn VII (Weenies 2014)
Winter: My Secret (any amount) *
YAR7 (prototype) (decant preferred, but try me)

Other BPAL/BPTP items: I  will consider swaps for decants, partial, or full bottles of  atmospheric sprays (especially L'Estate) or Goblin Squirts. Would swap heavily in your favor (partial swap/sales are definitely an option) for lockets of  Virgo, White Rabbit, Cheshire Cat, Snow Glass Apples, or the Clocket.

European Tobacco (partial or full bottle) *
Scurvy Girl (any amount)
Tabac (partial or bottle preferred, but would take a decant) *

Pirate's Dream (any amount)

Arethusa (decant preferred but try me)
Listening for Bells (decant preferred but try me)
Mother of Pearl (partial or full bottle)
Solstice Tea (any amount)
Winchester (any amount)

Other Haunt items: there are other, newer, Haunt scents that I've missed, so try me on just about anything, but especially soaps and lip lusts!

None at this time.

Embargo perfume (any amount)

Flying Pirate Ship (any amount)
Pirate's Cove (any amount)
Sunken Treasure (any amount)

arcana, blooddrop, violette market, haee, possets, bptp, conjure oils, bpal, nocturne alchemy, villainess, wishlist, other oils

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