How many total songs? 4229
Sort by song title - first and last?
- First: A.M. 180 - Grandaddy
- Last: 37010 - Billie the Vision & the Dancers
Sort by time - shortest and longest?
- Shortest: Bad Horse Chorus (Reprise - Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along BLog (0:22)
- Longest: The Decline - NOFX (18:22)
Sort by Album - first and last?
- First: The Abattoir Blues - Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds
- Last: 5150 - Van Halen
Sort by Artist - first and last?
Top five played songs
- Planetary (Go!) - My Chemical Romance
- By the Sword - Emilie Autumn
- Epilogue: What if - Emilie Autumn
- Howl - FLorence + The Machine
- The Cave - Mumford & Sons
First five songs on shuffle?
- All I ask of You - The Phantom of the Opera (Original Broadway Cast)
- Thankless Job - Repo! The Genetic Opera
- Roll Away Your Stone - Mumford & Sons
- Radical - 69 Eyes
- king diamond - Team Sleep
Find the following words. How many songs show up?
- Sex: 9
- Death: 46
- Love: 220
- You:418
- Home: 34
- Boy: 70
- Girl: 55