half the horizon's gone to a skyline of numbers

May 26, 2008 01:16

i spent nine hours on a movie set last night, from 7PM to 4AM. we didn't start filming until 9PM and i don't think the director was done. he asked us to bring two outfits and we only made use of one, so i'm not sure. anyway, i had a great time. i met a lot of wonderful and fun people (two of them were in the indiana jones movie, so now i have to watch it and see if i can spot them!). most of the time that we were sitting around we just talked about a whole bunch of things. our only role was to be a crowd watching a fight and cheering -- after a while it hurt my throat. but it was overall enjoyable and at one point i had a bodyguard following me around and getting me things and my feet hurt (guess who got me bandaids?). my mom stayed up to wait for me even though i told her she was being ridiculous and basically i want to do it again at some point! when i get the movie i am going to watch it and laugh at myself.

i also went to a six flags interview the day before for the caricaturist job, and while it went very well (as most interviews of mine don't), there are no open spots at this point so i either have to wait for someone to drop out of a spot or until next summer. we shall see.

right now i don't have a job and i am trying to not spend a lot of money but it's not the easiest thing to do. i just hope i get one soon because i don't want to be jobless all summer. and i have applied to so many places it's ridiculous. over twenty places, at the very least. i'm not really sure what's up. i can't believe it's 1:30. i'm kind of busy but kind of not. i need this summer to be very, very productive.

oh and i am going to uvm again next year. these are the main highlights of my summer thus far, i suppose.
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