# 257 video;

Nov 03, 2009 18:09

He is happy.
Happy together with the one he loves, with Katan.

There's no regret lingering inside of me any longer.
We won't be apart, Rosiel, even if our spirits are split.

A day of revelation of our barest forms. If you still live in denial of the wrapping shell, mind to meet people's gazes until midnight.
The highest of us could always be aware of what lies within.

Those who are brave, discern what could be found beneath the surface.

[Those who bother catching her eyes will see a puzzle first, fragments of pained bloodied fleeting existences that assemble into one bigger picture. Those who stare longer to endure that sideshow will see a winged woman bathed in a radiant light. The holy light of miracles that transmits warmth and peace into every being who witnesses it. She's blindingly loving underneath the frosty appearance, unresponsive lips and intense look. She's foundations beyond great wars, outside of caged sanctuaries, trespassing reincarnations cycle and forbidden love.]

(ooc; Alexiel's not really smiling, she's serious and monotonous as usual, but her soul supposed to be shining/blinding in a not burning eyes way, this icon closely fits. Higher AS angels seem to be able to see souls without needing eye contact like Michael did with Setsuna, so she won't comment over yours?).

encompassing love, my blood my flesh and my wing, rosiel, windows to the soul, how many lifetimes?, organic angel, seraphita

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