"Awesome Fest 2004"

Aug 15, 2004 00:06

So this one time I saw a dog tied to a bucket and the dog became startled. The dog started running and soon thought the bucket was chasing him. Everywhere the dog ran the bucket would follow and every time he stopped the bucket would hit him. This caused a never ending struggle between dog and bucket. . . . . .that was awesome. Sadly though I can't say the same about "Awesome Fest 2004".

We arrived half way through and still payed the full price of 8 bucks. That wasn't too bad until I realized it was a two dollar re-entry and I forgot my water in the car. We arrived just in time for "Believing In June" which I've never heard before. They were pretty cool, sort of a Emo band but not at the same time, somewhat like "Defiance, Ohio". The next band downstairs was a super Emo band, I walked upstairs to the balcony after the third song. I stayed there throughout the next band "Thirty3" which was metal band. I listened to them through the open window next to me, they had a few good songs. I stayed upstairs for awhile and walked down and stood in the stairwell and watched a little of the next band which according to the line-up was "Emery". They were also soft Emo stuff.

At that point we checked the rest of the line-up out and ask the doorman about the up-coming bands. None of them sounded good so we decided to wander to a gas station and buy some grub then hung out at the Taco Del. I spent my re-entry money and decided the rest wasn't worth it. There was a lot of construction and traffic so we left after that.

The best part was the all the attractive chicks at the show. The guys there made me laugh because most had as much eyeshadow on as the girls. They also had the weird half short & long hair that was flat-ironed and streaked. Emo kids are funny. I can't wait for the 'Bristle" show. That's more my kind of show. (punk/trash hardcore)
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