While we all know that merkel is an islamophile by allowing thousands of islamic refugees to cross into germany without asking the german people first, she now wants to suppress any criticism of islam with the help of mark fuc, i mean zuckerberg. (thanks to
lather2002 for finding this):
Zuckerberg was asked by merkel herself to delete any posts about islam and to help find those who posted it so they can be prosecuted for "hate speech". In other words, censoring anything bad about islam. Google and facebook are doing this as well in germany.
I recently found this as it was from a day ago:
Not only that, but the german foreign minister (speaking on her behalf) wants to sue countries (like poland and hungary) who don't go along with refugees quotas set by the EU despite most of the refugees being fighting age men (as i said in a previous post).
By the way,
lather2002 and
prester_scott found this article about a well-known German Christian activist Heidi Mund being arrested for speaking out against Islamic prayer being held in a Lutheran church. This was her prayer that got her charged with agitation of the people towards violence (in that case, Al Sharpton should receive that charge besides tax evasion):
We pray for the real refugees, that they should again have hope for life, that our God will comfort them,…. (and) against the massive immigration of 90% young muslim men, who should not be building their own homeland here and that they should not rape our girls and women; that they should be send with the word of God - the Bible - back into their own home countries, there where they belong,… (We pray) against sickness and disease which the immigrants have brought with them,…We ask God for angels to stand on Germany’s borders as well as on the borders of Europe.”
Of course, the left will find some microaggression and call it hate speech when no religion but islam is allowed in most majority-muslim countries but not a word is said by the left about that.
http://shoebat.com/2015/12/18/its-official-zuckerberg-goes-full-stasi-against-facebook-users-that-criticise-islam/ http://www.barenakedislam.com/2015/12/27/german-dictator-angela-merkel-threatens-to-sue-eu-countries-that-refuse-to-obey-her-quota-for-taking-in-illegal-alien-muslim-refugeehadists/ http://pamelageller.com/2016/01/sharia-law-in-germany-christian-activist-heidi-mund-charged-with-agitation-against-the-people.html/