Keeping my promise...

Sep 29, 2008 10:08

So here I am sitting at work, bored, and I decided that this would be a perfect time to update....AGAIN! I'm trying to keep my promise to make my updates pretty regular. It's hard sometimes when I don't have much to update about. My life is pretty much the same week to week. Same routine and same events. But like I said...I'm working at it.

This weekend was eventful. On Saturday I went over to Julie's house, her family was having a garage sale and asked me if there was anything I wanted to sell, to bring it on over. For it being last minute, and not having the proper preparation, I came up with quite a lot of stuff to get rid of. I brought it all over there and sat with Julie, her mom and her neighbor for about 8 hours. I am happy to report that I made $60! I can only imagine how much I would make if I would have had a week or two to prepare and go though all of the stuff that has accumulated in my life. Julie and I have decided that next spring if and when my subdivision has a Sub Sale, we're gonna participate.

Speaking of the garage sale and Julie: She has been on this simplifying kick. Getting rid of the stuff that she doesn't use, like or fit into anymore. I only bring this up because it has inspired me! I am a pack rat and have a really hard time getting rid of anything. But I have decided that I'm going to try and simplify my life as well in the following ways:

- Any old books that I have, that I don't want anymore are being traded into a used book store that I found in St. Clair Shores called Brown's Family Book Store. It's a pretty nice little shop, with a good selection of recently published used books. Everytime you bring in a book to trade, you get credit towards any book in the store. This will not only clear up my collection of books, but will also let me get the books that I'm interested in at a cheaper price.

- I will be going though all of the clothes that I have that don't fit me anymore or are completely out of style and will be putting them aside for the above mentioned spring garage sale. Anything that doesnt sell at the garage sale will be donated to the Salvation Army or Purple Heart.  This will be the biggest part of the "simplify project."

- Any stuffed animals or toys that cannot be sold in the garage sale will be donated to a shelter of some kind.

- I am already attending something called a "Scrapbook Garage Sale" this Saturday from 12 - 4pm at one of my favorite Scrapbook stores, Scrapbook Emporium. I went through all of my scrappin' supplies and found a ton of paper that I will never use and don't even like. For those of you who don't scrapbook, you have no idea how much room this stuff can take up! Any space that I can free up will awesome, either just to downsize or to fill with the supplies that I do like and will use. So, on Saturday that is where I will be, garage-selling it up once again.

So, I have the plans in I just need the time to act them out. Some of this list is going to take a while, especially since I need to wait until the spring to actually get rid of most of it. But atleast this will get the ball rolling.

On another note, I have really slacked in the homework department this week. I don't know what I was thinking but I didn't do anything this weekend and will be making up for it over the next couple days. I have a 4-5 page paper due for my Intro to Counseling course that will take a good amount of time. I work best under pressure, so it isnt really the lack of time that is's more like my procrastination at sitting down and actually starting to write. Other than the paper, I also have a couple chapters to read for both of my classes. The reading is something that I could put off, but I just don't like to get behind....I can never seem to catch up once getting behind.

Speaking of this homework slacking...I should probably wrap this up and try and get some of my reading done now, at work when I have nothing else to do.

Until next time...

garage sale, simplify, homework

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