(no subject)

Jul 28, 2005 02:58

During senior year:

1. What high school did you go to?
2. What year did you graduate?

3. What were your favorite band(s) or artist(s):
the starting line something corporate bush silverchair

4. What was your favorite outfit?
jeans and my red flannel or my track jacket

5. What was up with your hair? it was pretty short in the beginning and really long for me at the end

6. Who were your best friend(s)? pat lauren katie sean chris danielle jess

7. What did you do after school? mostly sleep or pats house for doritos in the basement, a few clubs here and there

8. Where did you work? kb toys

9. Did you take the bus? unfortunately

10. Who did you have a crush on? seth lefburg in the beginning and a little bit on striff in the middle .. i dont really think anyone stood out too much though

12. Did you fight with your parents?
id say so

13. Did you ever get detention? hah

14. Favorite Subject?
it certainly wasnt as psych with streiter ... probably drama

16. Who did you have a CELEBRITY crush on?
no idea .. davey havok?

17. Did you smoke cigarettes?

18. Did you lug all of your books around in your backpack all day?
negative ... i would try and haul ass to my locker to get it in time

19. Best event ever? steve weiss

20. Did you have a clique? yeah, but i had a lot of friends outside of it

21. Where was your Senior Prom at? ocean place in long branch

22. Did you have a "Max" (hangout): not exclusively

23. Admit it, were you popular? no

24. Who did you want to be just like? danielle frank

25. What did you want to be when you grew up?
a big psychologist in my own office

26. Where did you think you'd be at the age you are now?

27. What was the color of your yearbook?
cant remember right now

28. What were the colors of your school?
blue and gold, real nice i had to wear a yellow graduation robe

29. What was your school mascot?

30. Hottest teacher was..
i cant think of any
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