Well Howdy Doodies!!!

Mar 17, 2003 21:25

Hi, hi hi everyone!!!
I'm really really bored and although i should be researching for my stupid possum, i dont wanna!!! :o( So im trying to prolong the actual task for as long as possible!!
This is my first posty thingy of my own *YaY* So...ummmz....enjoy! (although there's nothing much to enjoy, still do!! or else don't be surprised if you wake up dead one morning....gee thats morbid...hang on you cant even actually wake up if your dead, can you? Well thats gay....just defeats the whole purpose of me writing that....hmmm, i think im babbling now....so maybe i should stop)

Which Stupid Stereotype Are You?

this quiz was made by Erin

Bwahahahaa...just thought that was very funny, i kept changing my answers so something else would come up, but it didnt....does that mean something?? Do people really think i'm dumb?? oh well....i suppose i can live with that :o) And im not always happyy...geez! Must agree i have the coolest buds though (most of them) Hehehe.....okie doke......shut up Agatha!!!
Bye guys, ill leave you in peace...
Love everyone, peace out.....
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