Jun 09, 2003 21:35
Hmmm, well, I had something totally different written down, but I decided to delete everything because I realised it was more like a diary entry and I'm sure no one wants a peep into my deep, dark, secret soul!
So, all I will say is that yet again I have wasted today by going to Willi with my mum, her friend and her 4 yr old daughter, who dragged me around everywhere and made me climb into a play boat which was reaLLY awkward with a skirt on....I was really careful, but all the same I'm sure somebody got flashed during one of the 8 times or so I was made to climb in and out!!
Anyways, now I'm just sitting here longing for my baby and wishing he would come online so I could just talk to him because I haven't talked to him for so long and there's so much shit I need to tell him :o( Boo-hoo
But for now I will stop this moping and go do something with my nails because they're absolutely disgusting...I think I will go soak them :o)