Nov 01, 2005 17:33
I'm not your boyfriend, I'm your homie
today =
1st period ms cram didnt even show up :) yayay i just went to starbucks and had a tasty cup of greentea which feels as refreshing as a cold cup of water (mmmmya) with a whole bunch of awesome ppl :) (thanks zach) then lunch was awwwwesome :) then it ended with like 6th french and that was cool, i guess lol.
oh but poor whiney lilikins :( always crying about something :(
ah gymnastics is really cutting into my life schedule of like coming home after school and doing almost nothing, now i have to go run and stretch hella after school lol whatever its hella fun.
oh n ps driving is gonna be SO hard now with the rain n cold seeing as how i HATE my air conditioning n im scared :/
but 2 hours of cram is about to be kinda fun :)....2 hours of chem is not.
sean egan talks shit