::The Basics::
1.Name/Nickname: Matt, and too many nicknames to mention
2.Age: 22
3.Gender: Male
4.Likes: Rock/metal music, games, art, internet, all that. I get adrenalin rushes off gaming with other people and fighting (only play, though).
5.Dislikes: Petty people, controlling people, being told what to do, bad spelling and grammar, people who think and act like they know more than they really do, Ikki
6.Fears: Failing at life (literally), being alone, dying, but not in the conventional sense.
7.Goals/Dreams: To acheive something in life, to make a mark. I get angry at myself every year for not having acheived as much as I could, because of this, I can be stupidly ambitious (or so I've been told)
8.Hobbies/Talents: Same as 'Likes' I guess?
9.Strong Points: Loyalty, standing up for what I believe in (I like to think)
10.Weak Points: Short temper because of anger issues, sarcasm and not being able to control things I say. Bah.
11.Your General mood: (Calm? Normal? Happy? Hyper?)Ranges from being blank to slightly happy, and I get pissed off a lot. My daily mood cycle is usually grumpy-blank-okay-autopilot-grumpy-happy-depressed. >_>
12.What's your personality in three to six words: Inspiring. Stubborn. Emotionally retarded. Loyal. Dwelling.
13.Color: Blood red. It represents life and energy.
14.Animal: Wolves and crows. But not Ikki.
15.Food: Chicken and chocolate.
16.Quote: Whatever happens, happens, but I'm thinking that one over.
17.Air Gear Character and why: I don't really know... Akito is tolerable, but can be overdramatic, Kazu is kinda awesome, I like him. *shrugs*
::Least Favorite::
18.Color: Yellow, it makes me anxious.
19.Animal: Daddylonglegs flies, I have a phobia of them.
20.Food: Mushrooms, mexican beans
21.Air Gear Character and why: Ikki. GOD HE IRRITATES ME. Oh, and Onigiri. And Buccha. >> *judges*
::Are you::
22.Mature or Immature: It ranges, I suppose, mostly immature, but I have my serious and mature moments
23.a Leader or Follower: I'd love to try being a leader, but I don't think I have enough self-confidence to be a real leader. But I don't see myself in any kind of group anyways *shrugs*
24.Optimistic or Pessimistic: I TRY to be optimistic, mostly for others, but it likes reverting to pessimism a lot
25.Outgoing or Shy: Where's anti-social?
26.Quick to Act or Not: Depends on the situation.
27.Include a picture or describe yourself: I currently have black hair, green-blue eyes and usually wear dark clothes and the like.
28.Anything else: Nope
29. Please link the 3 people you voted for here as proof: (IF there was only two down to no people that you were able to vote for leave a note saying so here.)
http://community.livejournal.com/ag_rating/22101.html?view=174165#t174165 http://community.livejournal.com/ag_rating/21805.html?view=174381#t174381 http://community.livejournal.com/ag_rating/20925.html?view=174781#t174781