Nov 24, 2007 11:09

::The Basics::
1.Name/Nickname: Raiko aka Rai
2.Age: Fifteen
3.Gender: Female

4.Likes: Friends/family, just having fun in general, food, music, some sports, being lazy, TV, movies, drawing, writing, anime and manga, warm weather, stuff like that~
5.Dislikes: Anyone who for some reason has gotten on my nerves, waiting, cold, homework, school.
6.Fears: WATER, spiders, being alone.
7.Goals/Dreams: To have a great job that pays well and I enjoy, abolishing htose lazy habits, making a difference by doing volunteer work, trying to be a better person? xD
8.Hobbies/Talents: Umm...I guess you could say i'm an artist? I'm a fairly decent writer as well. And I can play guitar and violin (:
9.Strong Points: I'm a logical thinker, and take into consideration any consequences before doing something. I'm also a good listener, so people can vent to me if they need to xD; Rarely am I ever in the middle of anything, i'm usually on the sidelines. Is that a good or bad thing? I don't exactly know. I can also get along with almost everyone.
10.Weak Points: COOKING. I cannot cook to save my life. Also, my ego is rarely damaged, so i'm not used to insults and such. I guess you could call it sensitive, but I don't show it if i'm hurt.

11.Your General mood: Calm usually. But there are times where i'll sompletely freak over something =A=

12.What's your personality in three to six words: Calm, Collected, Cunning, Cautious, Contradicting.

13.Color: Teal
14.Animal: Ring-tailed lemur 8D;
15.Food: THAT'S A HARD ONE. Umm...some good seafood xD; Salmon or something~ Or clam chowder. Or-
16.Quote: "Life is like photography. You use the negatives to develop."

17.Air Gear Character and why: Kazu probably. I guess I usually favor the sidekicks more than the heroes. I also like his sense of loyalty, and he's a good guy in general. Plus, he's adorable >3<

::Least Favorite::
18.Color: Maroon
19.Animal: Don't really have one.

21.Air Gear Character and why: Ringo. She just seemed too...clingy in a sense towards Ikki. That and her 'I must do all I can for Ikki because I wuv him!!1 *3*' personality just bugged me. A lot.

::Are you::
22.Mature or Immature: A bit of both, haha. It just depends on the situation i'm in.
23.a Leader or Follower: A follower most of the time. I don't particularly like leading.
24.Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic most of the time. Overthinking it is a habit of mine, and I tend to expect the worst outcomes.
25.Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing when with the people I know, shy around the people I don't.
26.Quick to Act or Not: Not really. I tend to think things over too much without actually acting =A=

27.Include a picture or describe yourself:

28.Anything else: Nope, I believe that's everything 8D;
29. Please link the 3 people you voted for here as proof: o1 o2 o3

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