15 Fics in 15 Days Challenge : Sign-Up Post

Nov 12, 2013 13:00

ag-fics 15in15 Challenge: Sign-Up Post

STARTS: Now (12th Nov 2013)
ENDS: 17th November 2013 @ 11:59PM (Countdown Clock)

Welcome to ag-fics first ever 15in15 contest where we are going to challenge writers to write 15 fics in 15 days.

I, ella-rose88 (aka Millie) will be hosting this special event. The aim of the challenge is: writers must write 15 fics based on different themes in 15 days. Once the 15 days are over, voting will begin where the winners will be decided and revealed.

Now onto the rules...

Guidelines: (please read carefully)

+ Each writer MUST sign up to enter by commenting on this post. All comments will be screened to preserve anonymity until winners are revealed.
Sign Up Info: (please use this layout)
[Username: (enter username here)] i.e: Username: ella-rose88.

+ Each fic must be based on the themes that will be described on the challenge post. The fics MUST be a minimum of 750 words and no longer than 2,000 words. Writers can, if so inspired, write each fic like they were chapters, sequels or prequels of the same fic. As long as it is based on the theme it is a-okay!

+ As always, fics MUST be about Arthur & Gwen (whether they be friends, enemies, lovers, rivals etc); however other characters/pairings are allowed as long as it doesn't infringe on Arthur & Gwen.

+ To keep up-to-date it is recommend that you join or watch the community.

+ The deadline for participants to sign up is the 17th November 2013 @ 11:59PM (Countdown Clock).

+ All fics MUST be original pieces of work and never been posted before.

How The Challenge Will Work?

+ Participants will sign up for the challenge on the sign up post. Once the sign up period is over, the challenge post will be opened.

+ On this post the themes will be described and be divided under two categories:
- 10 Themes (this means 10 different theme/prompts. Therefore writers must write 10 fics, 1 based on each theme)
- Writer's Choice (this means writers must write 5 fics on whatever they want).

+ Participants will then have 15 days to write and post their fics under the relevant category heading on the challenge post. Very much like the Mini Challenge, except instead of prompts it is themes.

+ All participants MUST post their fics in the comments anonymously. Each fic must have a heading that looks like this:
Title | Rating | Characters | Any Warnings.
i.e: Regrets | M | Arthur & Gwen | Warnings: Swearing and Sexual Content.
So the only usernames that should appear on the post should be mine (aka ella-rose88) and any other mod.

+ Seeing as writers will be posting their comments anon and can't edit them, it is recommended that you look over your fics for grammar, spelling and formatting before you post them.

+ Once the writing period is over, the voting will commence. There will be 11 different polls/categories for people to vote on.

+ After that, the winners will be announced, banners awarded and writers revealed.

If anyone has any questions or anything on this challenge, please comment here or PM me. I will try and respond as quickly as possible.

+mod: ella_rose88, .challenge: 15 fics in 15 days (sign up)

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