Short Challenge 7
AU || Modern || Reincarnation
STARTS 21st March 2013 NOW
ENDS 10th April 2013 @ 11:59PM (
Countdown Clock)
Welcome to the first Short Challenge of the year -- Short Challenge 7. I (aka
ella-rose88) will be hosting this challenge. This short challenge, however; will be different that all the others we have hosted previously - instead of having themes like we have in the past, we will be having an overall theme of AU (alternate universe), Modern & Reincarnation.
Want to know more? Have any questions and/or concerns? Then click on the link below!
GUIDELINES (Please read carefully)
♥ This Challenge runs for 3 weeks (21 days).
♥ The minimum word count for entries is 1,000 words. However, entries must NOT exceed the maximum word count of 3,500 words. Authors can submit up to TWO entries.
♥ Entries must be inspired by ONE or MORE of the overall themes, which are: AU, Modern and Reincarnation. The way authors decide to interpret them is up to them.
♥ Submissions can be set in Canon or an AU world! It’s entirely up to you! However, with AU entries, all fics MUST be set within canon times!
♥ Entries MUST focus on Arthur and Guinevere and feature the A/G pairing (they could be strangers, friends, slightly bitter exe's, a happily married couple - - it's up to you).
♥ You DON'T have to be a
member to enter, but we recommend that you
'Watch' for Updates/Notices.
♥ The definitions and prompts listed are ideas only (i.e: you do NOT need to use them).
♥ Entries must be ORIGINAL pieces of works (i.e: must not be posted anywhere else before).
♥ ENTRIES are to be emailed to the community email address [] with the following information:
Title: Themes and/or Prompt/sAuthor:Rating:Word count:Characters/Pairings:Spoilers/Warnings: *Optional*
Disclaimer: Summary: Author’s notes: *Optional*
And in the Subject Heading of your email, please make sure you have:
'SC7 Entry: [Username]'
EXAMPLE: SC7 Entry: Ella_rose88
♥ Entries must be sent to us BEFORE 10th of April 2013 @ 11:59PM.
♥ Please remember to check your ENTRY a few times for spelling/grammar/coding mistakes, as we do not have the time to fix or add them.
♥ Finally, please refrain from re-posting your entries until AFTER the Winner's Post is up.
AU (Alternate Universe):
“An alternative universe (also known as alternate universe or alternate reality), commonly abbreviated as AU, is a type or form of in which canonical facts of setting or characterization in the universe being explored or written about are deliberately changed.”
Taken from
- Gwen’s father did not die and finds himself wondering whether his daughter has feelings for the Prince.
- Elyan did not die in the Dark Tower, instead someone else did!
- Arthur and Gwen discover the truth behind her actions in 4x09.
- After Gwen’s banishment in 4x09, she discovers she is pregnant with Arthur’s child.
- Arthur discovers Merlin’s secret during series 4, but Merlin does not know this.
1. of or pertaining to present and recent time; not ancient or remote: modern city life.
2. characteristic of present and recent time; contemporary; not antiquated or obsolete:
modern viewpoints.
3. of or pertaining to the historical period following the Middle Ages: modern European
4. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of contemporary styles of art, literature, music, etc.,
that reject-traditionally accepted or sanctioned forms and emphasize individual experimentation and sensibility.
- Arthur and Gwen meet at college.
- Gwen is a jazz singer in the 1930s and Arthur is her secret admirer.
- Arthur, Gwen and Merlin are detectives solving crimes in New York City.
- Arthur is a doctor and Gwen is a nurse newly arrived to the hospital.
- Arthur, Gwen, Merlin and the knights are in a travelling circus.
1. the belief that the soul, upon death of the body, comes back to earth in another body or
2. rebirth of the soul in a new body.
3. a new incarnation or embodiment, as of a person.
Mod note: Obviously for this challenge we don’t want any of the characters to look different appearance-wise (as if played by another actor/actress). However, the general idea of reincarnation is what we are looking for.
- Gwen and the knights are re-born in modern times with no memory of the past, until a mysterious old man and man in armour turn up.
- Arthur, Gwen, Merlin and the others find themselves reborn in Ancient Egypt.
Definitions taken from
Remember, definitions and prompts are only suggestions. You DON'T have to use them, but they may inspire you.
If you have any questions, concerns or anything you would like to ask, please feel free to comment below and I will get back to you ASAP. All comments will be screened.