Title: Love Woven Through Two Territories
Themes and/or Prompt/s Children, Capture {this prompt to be used much more later}, Fairytale
Rating: PG13, may border on R later
Word count: 15,891 {so far}
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Gwen and also Merlin, Percival, Ygraine, Agravaine, OC, and some others to come
Spoilers/Warnings: Tragedy and some Violence to come
Disclaimer: I disclaim/Merlin belongs to BBC/Shine.
Summary: A kingdom in danger of attack, another in danger of a reckless future, a marriage of beneficial arrangement is set up. But then amid tragedy and tests of will, something amazing happens, before the cruelest trial. A question. Which is worth more? A kingdom? Or a solitary life? When a devious plot is conjured up, and she is captured, he must choose between territory/its rule, and love.
Author’s notes: This story takes place in medieval time, but is very AU, different from the show. And just on a personal note, such gorgeous artwork that’s really inspired the writing of this for me. Kudos to the artist! // Also this is a WIP that I will finish asap//more being written currently.
Fic inspired by this artwork:
http://i1081.photobucket.com/albums/j343/ag_fics/2012%20Challenge%20Banners/longchallenge4promptbanner2.png ***
“You bring me news?” King Bayard, a bearded man of long tawny brown hair asked of his visitor, a person shrouded in a vast black cloak.
“Yes. It is done.”
King Bayard looked pleased. “Perfect. And no one will be the wiser?”
“Not at all. This last part should start taking effect gradually. Even the physician will think it’s nature’s course.”
That delighted King Bayard. How his hands wanted to keep scooping them up, falling kingdoms.
The cloaked figure watched him with cold calculation. King Bayard was one of those divide and conquer types, a man ruled by his sword instead of his brain. But then King Bayard had little of any.
That was fine though. It served to keep up the masquerade of it all. King Bayard provided the ammunition, allowing the opening to each intricate place of hiding, and so the riches ensued. The cloaked figure had collected four now. It was said the fifth was there. But there was just one little problem.
“The alliance has begun, a bond of marriage. In return she will ensure their kingdom is guarded.”
“WHAT. How could you allow this?”
“Easy. Temper yourself. Why do you think it was so important to get within? Her son is reckless. He will fail.”
“It was not easy to get rid of his father. And it’s been five years now that I’ve been patient. It does have limits though you should know.”
“Getting rid of him was the best thing we could do, but you have to understand, his kingdom is not like the others. It’s the most powerful in Albion.”
The king’s greedy hand fisted hard. “Which is why I want it in my clutches! So I can crush it!”
“And you will have it. But in due time. To rush this will ruin everything.”
The king glared like a petulant little boy.
The cloaked figure decided to leave before temper took over patience. “Well, I’ve given you my report. Now I must go. Don’t want to raise suspicions.”
“Make sure you get rid of her!”
The cloaked figure turned back around, eyes glowing with malice. “Your Liege…the queen is dead already. Nothing but a walking corpse.”
One Month Later
“I thought you said she was arriving today!”
Swallowing down another goblet of ale, Arthur drunkenly smiled. “So she is, my mother tells me.” Lips wet from the Ale, he starts kissing his way down the woman’s neck as they stand within one of the dark hallways of a tavern outside of Camelot.
The trip through the mountains had been a tiring one for the princess.
“There it is. Right past that wood. Camelot.”
The princess looked upon the land heavily, letting out a long sigh. The knight who had spoken, named Percival, touched her hand. “Still thinking of Lancelot?”
Gwen turned to him, shaking her head. “He was so angry when I left. Wouldn’t even see me. He believes I wanted this.”
Percival had known Gwen since childhood. Even though she was a princess, she had the kindest heart and didn’t care much about royal platitudes, always wanted honesty from people, and treated everyone with an ounce of humility. “Why didn’t you tell him the truth?”
Gwen bit down on her bottom lip, remembering their volatile conversation, and the emotional one that came before with her father. “My Dad already has enough burdens. He doesn’t need this one too. With Elyan doing who knows what, and Tirmaiur in such dire need of militia support, said to be on the top of Bayard’s list, I had no choice but to agree to this.
Percy, Bayard would kill my Dad if he got hold of Tirmaiur. Brutally. Publically.”
She went on, needing to before sympathy made her tear up. “And the Lady Ygraine, she is a good woman. Noble and quietly strong. How bad can her son be?”
“Oh it’s the knights! Let’s salute them!”
A sentry of men garbed in gleaming chainmail and hardened armor passed by, a few letting out snickers at the prince’s inebriated state, but most just politely ignoring him as midday commenced, the sun a timid glow in a partially cloudy sky.
“Arthur.” The lady under his arm protested as he raised his hand waveringly with salutations. “All hail the knights of Camelot! Go forth! Take down the enemy!”
He lifted away his sword from his utility belt, which even in his drunken state he was actually quite adept with. “Cut down that stuffed man!” He joked, referring to the ‘dummy’ that was sometimes used for training. Then placing it back in his belt he started to hysterically giggle.
Most of the knights passed by without comment, honorable to their queen and kingdom, instilled with knight’s code, but one couldn’t help stopping, giving the prince a wry grin.
“Drunk again, huh Arthur?”
The prince shook his head, making his blonde hairs swing wildly. “Noooo…me…drunk? Never. “I just had a ‘little’…” He emphasized the word with his fingers. “To drink. That’s all.”
The knight’s look was skeptical. “Right.”
They started exchanging words and then suddenly were fighting each other with their swords. Leon tried to stop it, but it was another voice that cut through with a rough roar.
Gwaine, the knight Arthur had been fighting, used the interruption to deliver a blow, nothing hurtful, but it brought Arthur to his rump in less than dignified fashion. Leon glared at him and giving a shrug Gwaine put his sword away. Down on the ground, Arthur looked up at his uncle, mouth forming into an angry embarrassed pout.
Not able to get up right away, Leon gave him a hand. Arthur took it and then moved away rapidly standing on his own after a bit of wobbliness.
“Lord Agravaine.” Gwaine gave a bow.
The man with hair the color of an unkindness of ravens, turned coldly to the knight. “I believe you have better things to be doing Gwaine than taunting my nephew.”
“Yes. Probably.” Gwaine showed little nervousness, but he wasn’t as hair swinging as he had been while ‘fighting’ Arthur. Quickly he moved to Leon’s side and they both headed to the training field, leaving the woman, Lady Elaine, and Arthur with his uncle.
Agravaine grasped Arthur’s arm. “You’ve probably already humiliated yourself enough Nephew, falling on the stone like some drunken commoner, so I don’t need to tell you just how awful that little performance was, right?”
Grunting, Arthur thrust his arm away from his uncle’s ‘kind’ grasp. “Gwaine started it.”
“Isn’t your betrothed set to be here within an hour or two?”
Arthur slapped on his fake smile, feeling a headache building from his earlier drinking, and still not so steady on his feet. “Indeed. So I’ll take my leave, Uncle.” He gave the façade of a courteous bow and then grasping the Lady Elaine’s waist, getting her to giggle as his fingers tickled, he rushed with her into the palace.
Agravaine watched with a raise of his eyebrows. Just a bit longer. Then everything would be in order. And he wouldn’t have to deal with this insolent brat anymore.
As they came in even closer, Gwen let out a gasp of amazement. She’d seen more than a few kingdoms since the time she’d been a young girl, but Camelot was like none other in vastness.
Past the deepest forests were the glittering blues and silvery whites of the ocean. Closer to Camelot were winding rivers and a lake surrounded by banks of green woodland. Then, Camelot itself. Much of it was farmland, spread out between the sets of tall roofed houses, but beyond them was the castle, a colossal fixture of towers that rose so high they seemed to almost touch the sky.
“Impressive.” Percival let out a low whistle.
Gwen cleared her throat. “Yes. But it’s not Tirmaiur.” And it wasn’t. Tirmaiur had a much smaller palace that had signs of decay from age since it was one of the oldest kingdoms of Albion. But it also had beautiful little ponds and creeks, distant caves and surrounding it was a forest of growth so old many of the trees were taller than the ones here that surrounded Camelot.
“Alright Gwen?”
Fixing her mouth, she thought how silly it was to lament. She agreed to this for Tirmaiur’s survival, something that wouldn’t be possible if Bayard invaded. The kingdom was already suffering from a slew of problems. The weather had not been so kind lately, fierce storms just months ago causing structural damage, death, and ruined crops. Bandits too were increasing in the area, those lawless men attacking the outer borders, putting citizens and the guard on high alert. But beyond all that was her Dad, the person she thought of most since leaving Tirmaiur. Capture would mean his death, and that she could not take.
“Yes. Let’s just keep going.”
Arthur had been playing some ‘hide and seek’ with Elaine in the castle and then she suddenly was nowhere to be found. He let out a drunken giggle. Time to find her! And then they’d…engaged in other kind of play before his life turned completely upside down when that princess arrived.
Coming to the citadel now Gwen could feel her heart thumping strongly in her chest. It was even grander here, the castle so tall behind them, so encumbering she felt she might be swallowed up by it. Really, it was like nothing she had ever seen, and so newly appearing. Unlike Tirmaiur’s palace, the outside of this one, its stone was like it had just been put there, shining in the patch of sun that the sky was allowing out.
As they got closer even still, departing the market area of decorative stands and colorfully dressed sellers, were flashes of red cloaks. The knights were so regally dressed it was like they were out of some fairytale, all perfectly matching, attire like it had just been washed and pressed.
Coming to the inner court Percival announced their arrival which wasn’t really important because the watchmen in the towers had already seen them. The guard spoke to him. “The queen has been expecting you Sir Percival and Princess Guinevere. She regrets there was not a grand meeting outside, but there’s a chill today and so she thought you’d be more comfortable within the palace. The guard within will escort you to the throne room now.”
Giving a slight bow of her head, being escorted by Percival, Gwen entered the palace of Camelot for the first time.
“There you are.”
Elaine blushed. “Oh. I got lost and was just mesmerized by the loveliness of your mother’s chambers.”
Arthur latched his arm around her waist. “Probably should get out before she finds you…or me.”
Elaine looked around the room, eyes full of dazzled reaction. “Oh, she has the loveliest pieces. Look at that crown…and those jewels. Wherever did she get them from, those sapphires?”
Arthur shrugged, uncaring. “Don’t know. Come on.”
She resisted. “Didn’t you hear it?”
“Yes. But doesn’t matter.”
“Arthur. That was the bell just moments ago. She’s here. The princess.”
“I know. But you see-
“Oh don’t let me interrupt.”
Arthur rolled his eyes at the sight of his mother, gesturing to Elaine that he had ‘told her so’.
Ygraine was feeling tired after an earlier trip away from the castle, but the upcoming occasion was too important to rest. She turned to the other woman in the room, same age as her son she supposed, nineteen, not pleased to find them together in her chambers. “Lady Elaine.”
The young woman curtsied. “Oh Queen Ygraine. Your Majesty. Forgive me for-
Ygraine had no time for this. She put up her hand, speaking with fake politeness. “Lovely for you to visit us…again. But I must speak to my son now, alone. If you don’t mind?”
The words were cordial, but the tone was curt. Lady Elaine shuffled out of the room. After she was gone Ygraine turned to her so far speechless son. “What were you two doing in here?”
Arthur gave a careless shrug, causing Ygraine to let out an exasperated sigh. “Oh no matter. Look at you.”
He glanced down at his leather vest and blue tunic. “Something wrong?”
It was all askew. He didn’t look ready one bit. “Yes, very. Now…” She took his arm. Arthur didn’t object, knowing that when she was this motivated it was best to not argue. Entering the hallway, she told him. “There’s someone I want you to meet.”
Arthur deadpanned. “Right, the Princess-
He stopped. Out in the hallway was not the princess. It was instead a very queer looking man, or boy, maybe the same age as himself, maybe not, with dark short hair, ugly brown laced up boots and the weirdest looking bright red scarf. “I’m not marrying that.”
Frustrated, Ygraine told her son sharply. “This is your new servant. His name is Merlin. He is the son of some old friends of mine so you will treat him with due respect.”
“If he lasts…” Arthur muttered under his breath. Boy was so pale he looked like he might fall over. Ugly, ugly boots.
“Oh you might be surprised Arthur.”
Arthur felt a trickle of trepidation descend his spine. Whenever his mother gave one of those looks it meant she was hiding something.
Merlin too had a bit of a mischievous look now. Arthur squinted with distrust.
“Arthur.” Ygraine spoke with expectation. The prince grunted. He was feeling more like the servant now than the servant itself probably was.
“Well come along Merlin. Do your job. My bed is messed up. You can fix it. And I guess…Mother wants me to wear something else. I have a princess coming. We’re going to get married!”
He almost skipped down the hallway with mocking happiness causing Ygraine to groan.
Following Percival’s lead, Gwen entered the throne room to an array of well dressed nobles and a sentry of red cloaked knights.
Standing upon the stairs was the honorable Queen Ygraine, a lady of serving meekly at her side, along with a man of dark hair and a sternly smiling expression. On the queen’s other side was a young man wearing a red cloak and a brightly red tunic. Beside him was a sort of oddly dressed servant she surmised, wearing the most spectacular yet frayed red scarf.
She looked back to the man standing beside him, the one she assumed was the prince. Although he was quite handsome, he also seemed to be smirking quite rudely.
It seemed forever to reach the stairs, her legs feeling heavy and her heart still uncomfortably pounding. As she did, the queen stepped down, with hands extended and an open smile.
“Princess Guinevere. Welcome to Camelot.”
Feeling some of her fears vacate at the warmth in the queen’s voice, Gwen answered, “Thank you so much your Majesty.”
Ygraine shook her head. “We are to be family. Please…not so formal.”
She gestured, signaling for the others to come down too. “This is my brother, Agravaine DuBois.” She brought her hand over his saying with gratitude, “He is my advisor too. Has been such a fine help since my husband’s untimely death.”
Gwen couldn’t help notice the prince not looking all that impressed with his mother’s description of his uncle.
Agravaine clasped Gwen’s hand with a smile that made his lips curl smoothly. “It is such a pleasure to have you here.”
“The pleasure is mine.” Gwen answered with politeness.
The queen lifted her hand, getting the prince’s attention.
“And this is Arthur. My son. Arthur, this is Princess Guinevere.”
He just stared at her for a moment, making Gwen’s nervousness rise, but then his hand was finding hers and he was lifting it to his lips, pressing the most discreet kiss upon her skin, as his mouth elicited, “Welcome to Camelot, Princess Guinevere. I’m sure you’ll find it…interesting.”
His voice was filled of politeness, but his eyes were sorely mocking. Gwen disengaged from him as quickly she could without making a scene.
Then clearing her throat she gestured to the man who had accompanied her. “This is Sir Percival. He’ll be staying for the night if it is alright. The trip was long. He’s a Knight of Tirmaiur and also my friend.”
Gwen noticed Arthur making impolite sounds under his breath. She gave him a frowning look which he returned for a flash before turning away.
Really, he had the manners of a pig. It didn’t matter that his hair glowed like sunlight and his eyes were as that of an ocean. He was acting distastefully.
“Of course he will stay as an honored guest.” Ygraine answered. Arthur looked around now with a scrutinizing eye, asking bluntly, “Don’t you have any others traveling with you? Not even a tending lady? My mother would probably be lost without one.” He jested.
Ygraine’s face displayed displeasure with his abrupt remark. Gwen answered with a touch of embarrassment, “Prince Arthur, my kingdom has had some hardships of late. I have done my best to not require an attending lady and such.”
Ygraine replied with reassurance. “Of course. Now that will all be remedied. We will suit you up with a serving lady here, one that I already have in mind. She is looking forward to serving you.”
Arthur stared for another long moment, offsetting Gwen, before looking away. She turned to the queen. “Thank you…your Majesty.” It was twofold gratitude because the queen’s demeanor assured her that Tirmaiur would be safely guarded.
As drinks were passed and conversation got started Agravaine momentarily excused himself, entering the queen’s chambers in private.
“She’s lovely!” Merlin let out excitedly.
Arthur rolled his eyes as Merlin dressed him for the banquet they’d be having that evening as a celebration of the bonding of their two kingdoms, honoring Princess Guinevere’s arrival. “Then why don’t you marry her?”
“Can’t. I’m not royalty!”
Arthur grunted, wondering where Elaine was and if she would be attending. He had suggested that she and his other friends do so.
A frown coming to his face as Merlin was again clumsily fussing around the room. He tripped over just about everything, but somehow he also moved terribly fast. Arthur was still stunned by how quickly he had told him his bathwater was ready. It had only been seconds he had put the water in the tub and then all of the sudden, it was warm enough to bathe in.
“Whoa!” And there it happened again. The fireplace independently sparked to life right when he was rubbing his arms. “How did that happen?”
Merlin smiled cheekily. “I just stoked it Sire.”
Arthur shook his head, thinking he maybe had way too much to drink that afternoon. His eyes were playing tricks on him.
“Why don’t you like her?” Merlin asked, shocking Arthur as no servant ever talked to him about his life in general. It wasn’t really right to, but in seconds he felt compelled to answer.
“It’s not that I don’t like her. She’s actually…well lovely…like you said. Just, wears really poor looking clothes for a princess. Elaine dresses better than her.”
“Who’s Elaine?” Merlin asked curiously.
Arthur thought maybe he should remind him that he should be doing his job, not asking questions, but Merlin was doing his job, getting his jacket on now with clumsy efficiency that still was quick, making Arthur’s head feel funny. “She’s the lady I’ve been seeing.”
Merlin cocked his head to the side with a grin. “Well now that’s over.”
“Is it? Don’t be so sure Merlin.”
To that Merlin gave an unhappy glare. Arthur stumbled backward some, feeling like a dragon was getting ready to attack, but that was stupid because dragons no longer existed. They died out years ago and now there were just a handful of mages around who were more tricksters than anything, magic always such a feeble and weak thing. “You’ll be married to her. You should treat her right. Like I always did with Freya.”
Okay, now Arthur was interested. “Who’s Freya.”
Merlin finished up with his new master’s belt, saying sadly, “Someone I loved.”
“Something happened to her?
“She died.”
He hadn’t expected that. “Oh. I’m sorry.”
“So treat her right.” Merlin told him sharply before going off to fix other things in the room. Arthur said nothing, even though regularly he would yell at his servant for just walking off.
But then he felt chilled again and that fire all of the sudden sparked to life once more.
Merlin’s cheeky smile followed. “Stoked it again.”
“Ready?” Percival offered her his arm as Gwen was done, dressed with the help of her new handmaiden, Mary, in the second of her three gowns she had brought. She feared that it would be much less than what the ladies attending would be wearing tonight. Finding courage, she smiled up at Percy, taking his offered arm.
Sensing her nervousness, Percival patted her arm too, escorting her through the hallway and down the stairs to where the banquet would be held.
Halfway there, they met up with the queen. Gwen noticed that she had a vial she was pocketing into her cloak.
“Your Majesty.”
Ygraine took her other arm kindly, stunning in a dark red gown that made her hair look like it was golden fire.
“We are to be family now, remember? Call me Ygraine.” The queen insisted.
Gwen shook her head, unable to. Ygraine laughed softly, and told both Gwen and Percival she’d see them again inside the banquet. They’d be announced so wait for the introduction.
Percival rubbed her arm, Gwen’s nervousness back again. “It’ll be fine.”
Elaine was just a few tables with the rest of his noble friends, most from neighboring kingdoms, Arthur noted before the princess’s introduction. He wished he could sit with them.
As the princess was announced he could hear snickers from his friends’ table. Once again she was sorely underdressed, wearing a pale blue gown. Merlin was right. The princess was lovely, quite naturally.
But the dress did her little justice, poor for Camelot’s fine tastes. When she came to sit with him, his uncle and mother, he gave her a cordial greeting that lacked luster, getting a discreetly placed sour look in return.
After dinner came the expected dance. Merlin gave him a toothy smile. Arthur looked away from it with a glare. Then taking Guinevere’s hand, they entered the circle of dancers. Passing hand to hand with her and the others, he noticed Elaine and his friends coming into the fray. Nothing wrong with that he thought as the minstrels played on.
He noticed too how Elaine and her girlfriend kept giving the princess’s dress cursory looks, before letting out little titters. Then his male mates would chuckle under their breaths. The princess, although put off by it, did no more than keep her chin up.
Gwen stepped out from the banquet, feeling like some ridiculous joke after that terrible dance.
“Hey.” Someone else stepped onto the balcony with her.
Gwen turned to the knight, letting out a brave smile before she launched into his arms.
Percival held her protectively. “Gwen. Come on.”
She looked up to his worried eyes. “I’m fine. I just…I…didn’t know it would be like this.”
Percival turned his back. “That’s it. I’m telling the queen-
She cut him off. “No. They’re petty. Don’t bother the queen with such. She will think little of me. I’m really fine. I just needed some air. I started to feel kind of shut in there.”
He looked at her with questioning, but she pressed her hand against his shoulder. “I’m fine. I’ll be in within a moment.”
“Alright.” He left her at that finally.
Gwen let out a deep breath. It was going to be a long night…and maybe even a long union. A lonely one.
Finding him with his friends, Percival spoke through their laughter. “Can I have a moment with you Sire?”
Arthur turned around at that big bear that Guinevere called her friend. Not a single knight of Camelot was as big as this man. He nodded. “Sure.”
“Outside. Would that be alright Sire?” Percival asked politely.
Arthur shrugged and followed him out the doors that were opposite of where Gwen was standing.
Gwen turned at the voice, seeing Arthur’s brightly dressed servant standing there. His smile was as wide as the moon’s crest this night. She found herself instantly reacting to it. “Oh Hello. You’re Merlin, yes?” The queen had introduced them earlier, a woman who firmly believed the help were as special as any noble in the kingdom.
“Yeah. Merlin.” He brought out his hand, shaking hers happily.
“I’m Gwen.” She told him warmly.
“Sorry.” Merlin fussed nervously now, bringing his hand away. “I just saw you out here. Didn’t mean to disturb you. Just wanted to say hello, Princess.”
She shook her head. “Just Gwen is fine. Really.”
And that moon crest grin came back.
Arthur found his back against the balcony uncomfortably. He noticed how Percival had easily taken the other side that led back to the banquet with way too much control.
“So, you wanted to speak to me?”
Percival nodded, giving a slight bow. “Yes Sire. You see Prince Arthur, I realize that your kingdom is much bigger than mine, much richer than mine, and much less in need of this bond than mine is. But you see too Prince Arthur, Gwen’s heart is bigger than all of that.”
Arthur squinted with question. “Gwen?”
“Princess Guinevere.”
“Ah. Should have known. You’re mad because of what went on in there.”
“Do you even know where she is?”
Arthur shrugged. “Should I?”
“Ah…Sire.” Percival let out before he grabbed Arthur’s arm so hard the prince let out a gasp. “Yes. You should. If you’re going to be her husband. Now I know we owe you much. But I am telling you…best not to hurt her.”
Arthur sighed, finding himself asking, “Is she alright?”
Percival lessened the hold on his arm some with that question. “She will be. If your friends think they can break her in one night, they’re in for a rude awakening. Wait for her to astound you. She’s much more than she may first seem. She’s *cherished* in Tirmaiur. Just remember that.”
Percival then straightened out Arthur’s attire, giving a polite smile. “Such a wonderful banquet. Thank you for your time Prince Arthur.”
“Sure…er…I guess.”
Arthur held onto the balcony, thoughtful, before he reentered the banquet hall.
Gwen was going back to the table when she heard another low muttered snicker, carefully done to not reach the queen’s ears, but directed pointedly at her. Merlin grimaced hard at her side, his fingers flexing with anger. She feared he might actually do something when she felt warm pressure from behind, an arm linking with hers and a voice stating quietly without question, “That’s enough. From all of you.”
Gwen looked up, seeing Arthur’s eyes on his friends with reproach. He looked angry, troubled. She pressed her palm against his wrist, smiled a little and whispered, “Thank you.”
His eyes came down to hers, softening just a touch as he whispered back. “No need for it.”
From afar Percival smiled with approval.
Ygraine too noticed, feeling a touch of relief in her heart.
One week later the wedding day had arrived. In the interim, Gwen had received a few more gentle signs of Arthur’s demeanor while also noticing how he still liked being with his friends so much. Observing him in knight training too, she came to the conclusion that his friendship with his friends was more eased than his sometimes prickly relationship with the knights the few times he commanded them.
“Guinevere, do you mind?”
Gwen turned around, and curtsied to the Queen before remembering. “Sorry. Force of habit.”
Ygraine just smiled, glancing down at the dress Gwen intended to wear. “That’s lovely.”
Gwen shrugged. “It’s alright I suppose. Barely enough for a wedding. Plenty for their snickers.” She added under her breath, sorry when she actually stated it.
Ygraine nodded with a wrench to her brows. “As I saw at the banquet. Also saw Arthur defending you quite rightly. One of the moments I was most proud of my son, because that is the boy he was before his father’s death.”
“I’m sorry.” Gwen whispered, not sure what much more to say.
Ygraine sighed, holding at her hands. “No. I’m sorry. Please know that if you are bothered by anyone I implore you to seek my assistance. Arthur’s friends have not been invited to the wedding. He’s not terribly happy about it, but I will not have that kind of rudeness being thrown at you. Their behavior was intolerable and therefore they can suffer the consequences.”
Gwen was grateful to the queen, but now also concerned. She’d caught glimpses of Arthur in a bad mood. She feared now he’d be in a sore one.
Ygraine touched her hand. “Your father should be here any moment. I’m so glad he could attend. Oh Guinevere, I am sorry if this has felt like you never had a choice. You see I didn’t have one either. The Lady Elaine, no matter what Arthur may think now, would never be a suitable ruler of Camelot. You, on the other other hand, I have already seen bonding with the people. Just like you do in Tirmaiur. And I know Arthur will see that too and his feelings will change. He is good, gentle, loving. But he is troubled. Has been for some time. All that I ask is you give him a chance.”
Gwen got it now, that the queen wanted to give her son someone who would be good at his side…someone she hoped he would share deep feelings with.
“Queen Ygraine. Please know I respect you so much. But this…marrying and living in Camelot, I do for Tirmaiur more than anything, my Dad.”
Ygraine nodded her head sadly. “I know that Guinevere. I know too that this may seem unfair, but I give you my word. Your father and Tirmaiur will continue to be safely guarded even if this union in the end should be fraught with problems. Just I want you both to try. I saw it that night. Arthur cares.”
“Barely.” Gwen let out dryly, before remembering who she was with.
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
“No. I want you to say what you think. And maybe you’re right, but a trickle of caring is better than none.”
Gwen laughed softly at that and then felt arms wrap her in.
“I’m so happy you’re going to be with my son now. I know you two will make this work.”
Gwen nodded, not sure if the queen was right, but simply grateful that she’d be able to see her father again.
Ygraine went out into the hall and reentered the room with it under her arm. “I want you to know I have no issue with the dress you intend to wear. It’s as lovely as you. But you seem not that happy with it and so I thought that maybe…”
Gwen walked over to Ygraine, fingers grazing delicately over the pearly gathers of material, lips parting with surprise. “It’s so…beautiful.”
“It’s well made, certainly. As for its beauty that could only come from its wearer. It’s your choice Guinevere. It was made especially for you. I was able to get your measurements when I was in Tirmaiur. I’m sure if you’d rather wear the other dress this one could serve purpose at some function.”
It must have taken hours to make and its fabrics were the finest, imported Gwen surmised. It would be rude to not accept it as the gracious gift it was. But honestly too she loved its eloquence. She couldn’t picture a better dress to be married in. “Thank you. Of course I’ll wear it.”
“She had no right.” Arthur complained robustly as Merlin fit him with his attire for the ceremony, pants, red tunic, armor, cape and crown.
To that Merlin gave a shrug as he adjusted the prince’s armor with speed not usually akin to someone new to the task. “She is your mother, the queen.”
Arthur fixed his eyes on Merlin angrily. “You’re supposed to be on my side. You know. My servant.”
Merlin chuckled at that, shaking his head. “You really are a prat sometimes.”
“EXCUSE me?” Arthur asked with vigor.
Merlin amended a touch nervously, his mouth unable to contain itself completely though. “Well a royal…prat.”
Arthur shocked again before letting out a round of laughter. “Merlin, you’re like no other servant I’ve ever had.”
“Good, I’ll take that as a compliment.”
“Ugliest too.”
Arthur chuckled, before returning to his point of objection. “She’s already making me marry this princess. Shouldn’t I at least be able to have some mates around for the event?”
Merlin gave him a sharp look. “That would mean the Lady Elaine would be in attendance.”
He started tying the cape, getting Arthur to rant as he knotted it tightly at his neck.
“Sorry.” Merlin remarked dryly, fixing the ties and then telling Arthur soberly, “Don’t you think it would be awkward for Gwen, er, the Princess Guinevere, to have her attend also? She’s going to be your wife. Her feelings should come first. Freya and I came so close to it, marriage. I couldn’t even think of another.”
“You’ve talked about her enough times. How did she die?”
Merlin shook his head. “No.”
Arthur let out a breath of air, a bit used to Merlin’s secrecy now. “Okay. Well Merlin, I know you two have already gotten close. But it’s my mother forcing me into this marriage. I don’t want it.”
“She probably doesn’t either.”
Arthur smiled. “Well then there you go. Why pretend?”
It was the last thing. Merlin fixed the crown upon Arthur’s head, saying sternly, “She’s going to honor it. Question is…will you?”
Arthur stared, opening his mouth to yell at his servant that he was the one who was supposed to have the last word, to give the orders, to make the other feel uncomfortable. But with that one question…Merlin perfectly put him in a troublesome place.
Gwen smiled bravely, pressing into her father’s arms one last time before everything could begin. “Oh Dad, I’m so glad you’re here.”
Tomas moved his hands into her hair, careful not to muss up its curling arrangement. “Of course I am. And Gwen, you need to know, I feel so blessed to have a daughter like you. I’ve pushed you to this and-
She shook her head, dressed eloquently now in the pearly material, her shoulders bared just slightly, the heart shaped neckline revealing her womanly form tastefully. “No. I wanted to do this. I’m not going to lie. It wasn’t the first choice, but Queen Ygraine has been wonderful. It’s fine really.”
“And the prince?” Tomas asked with a wrinkle forming at his brow.
Gwen hesitated. Since that night when he rebuked his friends Arthur had been cordial, but rarely ever around. She swore once she caught him in the hallways returning from a distant tavern, drunk. She had to wonder then if he had been with that woman, the Lady Elaine. It made her awfully lonely to think he might be still seeing her. Thankfully there was Merlin. From that night of the banquet she felt a special kinship with him that he returned with equaled enjoyment.
“I’m sure I’ll get to know him better.”
It really wasn’t the best answer, but Gwen just kept reassuring her father that everything would be okay before he escorted her out into the hallway, their destination the throne room.
Arthur dully listened to one bit of protocol after another as Sir Geoffrey kept rambling. He had spoken his vows with no trouble at all. The princess actually stumbled some on his name, middle parts confusing her for a moment. He latched his fingers around hers and squeezed her hand then, which seemed to fix her stutter.
“You are now married.”
That was the last bit of Geoffrey’s ramblings and Arthur knew what was expected.
Better dressed today, Arthur had reacted with a touch of shock when she first walked into the throne room. Merlin was right. She was lovely if anything, not your typical beauty.
Her skin was much darker than Elaine’s, like if solar power had dribbled in some of its gold into it. He got many more glimpses of it this day since the dress let the top of her shoulders go and the neckline plunged some. Accenting that were the dark curls that just touched her skin, and framed her small angled face.
Giving a sigh, that only she caught and looked disappointed at, he pulled her hands in against his waist, catching her tiny little gasp of surprise. Then lowering his head, her stature petite if anything, Arthur pressed his lips against hers. He could feel her retreat some and he cursed his natural coldness of skin and such.
It took a moment though, his lips still rounding hers and then she was advancing more. Her breasts made contact with his chest and he shook a bit, affected.
Strangely. Oddly.
He ended the kiss, pulling away and saw her eyes watching his heavily, felt his lips no longer cold at all. She looked uncertain and so he smiled, brought his arm through hers and they walked down the aisle together. Not so sure. United in the awkwardness of it all.
It was one dance after another, the minstrels playing loudly and with vigor. The dances were lively and there were so many people, raising glasses, moving their bodies to the music, dancing in the traditional circling styles.
The room was large, but heavy with the flames of the torches and the elements of so many physical beings together. Gwen escaped to the balcony, pressing her hands against the stone railing.
She turned around, seeing Arthur there, his eyes questioning and ever so blue under the moon’s glow. As she attempted to smile he came closer. “This is kind of overwhelming, isn’t it?”
She let out a long contained sigh, giving a laugh. “Yes. So overwhelming”
He ran his hand over hers for a minute before pulling away. “So what is Tirmaiur like?”
Gwen mused with fondness. “It’s not as close to the ocean as Camelot, but it has winding rivers and little sparkling ponds. It’s much older, much smaller, and even the farmer’s houses don’t compare to Camelot’s, but they are lovely in their own unique way. We have no balconies like this one.” She ran her fingers over the stone. “But our smaller castle is precious enough, each crack filled with stories of old.”
He slowly nodded his head. “You miss it?”
“Yes…of course.” Gwen let out with fervor. “I miss the people. My Dad. Just glad he could be here today. I haven’t seen him in what seems so long.”
“Anyone else?”
Gwen’s brow wrinkled, then getting his meaning. “There was someone. Special…yes. But it changed when I came here. I…don’t know if I shared the total of his feelings exactly.”
“So he loved you?”
“Yes.” Gwen let out softly.
Arthur nodded, touching at her hand. “Reason I ask is…there’s someone else for me too. Don’t get me wrong. You’re lovely, Princess Guinevere.” He lifted it and pressed his lips against the back of her hand. Then brusquely he got to the gist of what he wanted to say. “But like you didn’t want this marriage, I didn’t either.”
Her brow wrinkled once more, her expression unhappy and her hand stiff in his. He’d been drinking quite a bit this night and though he wasn’t anywhere near drunk, she could see that he was warmed by the liquor, lazed by it. Maybe that was because he didn’t want to think of his new reality. Her. That was not a nice thought.
“So we’ll do what we have to for the people, right? Please my mother and your father and all that. But we’ll both know it’s just a charade.”
His eyes were fixedly on hers. She had felt something earlier from the wedding kiss. Now she just felt cold, his skin chilling hers so that she pulled away from his hand’s grasp.
“Right. A charade. For you have no feelings for me whatsoever.”
Gwen turned away from him, and with a whoosh of air from her mouth, reentered the banquet hall.
Arthur thought for a moment he should follow her, explain things better, but that probably would just make things worse. And better for her to know anyway that he never wanted this in the first place. He had someone else. She mattered more. And now he knew she did too. So it was what he called it, a charade they’d simply endure.
His chambers were decorated with flowers and candles. Arthur grimaced at it as he led Guinevere within. “Merlin’s doing. Not mine.”
“Of course not.”
After the balcony she wished she could just flee.
Arthur watched as she walked over to some of the flowers, taking a whiff and closing her eyes with emotion.
“Do you like flowers?” He asked curiously.
She slowly reopened her eyes. “Wild ones, yes. Like these.”
He smiled some now too, walking over and taking her hand, clasping it within his. “Guinevere, nothing needs to happen tonight. I know it’s all still so awkward.”
She flippantly added, “And nothing of it matters anyway. I’m of no concern to you. I’m just…part of the charade.”
She stepped away from him, obviously affected and so Arthur pulled back at her arm, feeling her come in against him as he stated strongly, “I didn’t mean it that way, alright? I’m not some oaf. My mother’s manners she taught me didn’t all fade when my father died.”
As soon as he said that, a trickle of trembling entered his voice. Spontaneously she touched his cheek at it, feeling a connection for still it was not easy to be without her mother, even though she lost her when she was so young.
He caught at her hand, bringing it down, feeling some tightness in his chest, before he cleared his throat. “I just don’t intend to hurt you. Your feelings do matter.”
She glanced down at the bed, feeling a tremble of excitement, of dread, and of disappointment. For that bed would not really have any meaning, be more a nightmare if there was someone else he’d rather share it with, if they never intended to use it for intimate relations. “I’m tired.” She lied.
He slowly nodded his head. “Yeah. Me too. I’ll just blow out all these candles.”
She caught at his hand. “No. They’re nice. Leave a few.”
Her voice was so soft. Sweet. He couldn’t help but smile quietly. “Alright.” He thought about it. “I didn’t know your preference of flowers. Obviously Merlin did. Queer fellow.”
She turned around, commenting, “Actually I find him quite nice. A friend. And he knew because he asked.”
With that she went behind the changing screen to put on her nightwear. Arthur just sighed, before he readied his own.
The bed was big, Gwen noticed, each side their very own as he was completely on one end and she on the other. She laughed at the absurdity, getting him to turn her way.
The candle’s light made his hair appear almost golden. “This never happened in the novels I’ve read. The ones that Percival teases me about.”
He pressed his elbow against his pillow, cocking his head to the side and resting his cheek upon his hand. “That’s the man you were talking about earlier. Percival. I remember-
She put up her hand. “No. The man I meant was Lancelot. He has never come here.”
“Oh.” Arthur fiddled with the blankets. “And so what happens in them, the novels?”
“The woman has to fight the man off practically, because he is so passionate about her. But really she’s having all these feelings too and doesn’t want to admit…she wants him to be passionate. It’s odd. But they’re good for a laugh. And they’re just…I enjoy them.”
He smiled with an amused look. “Addicting.”
Gwen shrugged. “Sort of.” Her curls bounced around her neck as she moved more onto her side.
Arthur stared for a moment, and then, “One night when the heavy rains of winter come, you can read me one.” His eyes gave a look of playfulness, his mouth turning upward a bit.
“Okay.” She simply replied and noticed him shiver. “You do that a lot.”
Arthur groaned, before nodding his head. “Yeah. Have had cold fits since I was a child. Always needs to be a fire in the hearth.”
Gwen peered at him curiously. “What brings them on?”
He averted his eyes before giving an abrupt response. “Just I get cold fast I suppose.”
“Hmmm.” She moved away from the bed, feeling his frowning look. Advancing toward the fire she found the poker. Then directing it into the loss of flame she stoked up the cinders of wood, getting it all to spark to life once more. The fire flaming again, she returned to the bed, laying down, closing her eyes and whispering, “Good night…Prince Arthur.”
“We’re married. My name’s Arthur. Good night Guinevere. And…” He felt warmer. It was something personal she just did, something that did matter to him. “Thank you.”
She smiled softly, feeling sleep drifting in as she answered in kind to how he did when he helped that night. “I’m your wife…Arthur. No need to thank me.”
HERE for Part Two...