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photos by Russell Lee Фотограф Расселл Ли, сотрудничавший с 'администрацией по делам малоимущих фермеров', запечатлел жизнь американской глубинки начала 40-х годов Homesteaders Jim Norris and wife, Pie Town, New Mexico. October 1940.
Couples at square dance in McIntosh County, Oklahoma.
Butte, Montana, in September 1942.
The orchestra at a square dance in McIntosh County, Oklahoma.
Hay stack and automobile of peach pickers. Delta County, Colorado, 1940.
Sept. 1940. The Jack Whinery family in their Pie Town dugout. Homesteader Whinery, a licensed preacher, donates his services to the local church.
The Faro Caudill family eating dinner in their dugout, Pie Town, New Mexico. October 1940.
September 1940. Jack Whinery, Pie Town, New Mexico, homesteader, with his wife and the youngest of his five children in their dirt-floor dugout home.
Main Street, Pie Town. Sept. 1940.
At the Pie Town Fair, Sept. 1940.
September 1940. Saying grace before the barbeque dinner at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair.
Sept. 1940. Serving the barbecue dinner at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair.
July 1942. Stand of virgin ponderosa pine, Malheur National Forest, Grant County, Oregon (left). September 1940. Crops and vegetables at Catron County Fair at Pie Town, New Mexico.
September 1940. Homesteader and his children eating barbeque at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair.
September 1940. Serving the barbecue dinner at the Pie Town, New Mexico Fair.
September 1940. Men of the community of Pie Town, New Mexico, eating at the barbeque.
September 1940. Barbecue dinner at the Catron County Fair at Pie Town, New Mexico.
October 1940. Dugout house of homesteaders Faro and Doris Caudill with Mount Allegro in the background. Pie Town, New Mexico.
September 1940. At the fair, Pie Town, New Mexico.
August 1942 in Madison County, Montana. Sheep grazing the Gravelly Range at the foot of Black Butte.
The orchestra at a square dance in McIntosh County, Oklahoma.
October 1940. Pie Town schoolchildren in a community musical program.
Pie Town schoolchildren singing. October 1940.
October 1940. General Merchandise store, Main Street, Pie Town, New Mexico.
October 1940. Mr. Leatherman, homesteader, coming out of his dugout home at Pie Town, New Mexico.
September 1940. Garden and dugout home of Jack Whinery, homesteader at Pie Town, New Mexico.
September 1940. Filling station and garage at Pie Town, New Mexico.
October 1940. Mr. Leatherman, homesteader, tying up cauliflower in his vegetable garden. Rabbit fence made of juniper stakes. Pie Town, New Mexico.
October 1940. Faro and Doris Caudill, homesteaders, Pie Town, New Mexico.