...I don't know either. (And I never thought I'd find myself using such a bloody CUTE mood scheme. =_X";;; )
I'm supposed to be sleeping-- it's 4 bleedin' a.m. and I've got to be up in five friggin' hours.
I'm not entirely sure why I've gotten this... Perhaps my writing journal's for 'worked-over' stuff and this is for rants? (as if I don't rant in my usual one enough.) Or is it something to do with not wanting certain people to read certain things and be appalled by my narrow- or overbroad- mindedness? Perhaps. Or appalled by my constant swearing, loose language and cussing tongue? Oh the fuck. Who cares? I've enough questions to answer myself. Here's another: if this journal's just 'For Me' then why the fuck am I bothering to use proper punctuation? Not even my standard journal's written completely like that... Ah fuck. I should sleep.
But damn, man. I'm one lazy ass. Even when it comes to dragging myself up one fucking 1.6m ladder to fucking SLEEP for a few hours.
In six hours she'll be home for the first time since she officially moved last Saturday. She didn't even come back for family dinner on Sunday. I've been sleeping in her bed almost every night morning since she left. If I even slept at all. Not like I hadn't already been doing that: Hanging out online til she wakes up at 5-plus/6, then curling up and sleeping the morning hours away in her blankets. Not that I don't have my own, but... Hell, we saw little enough of her as was. I dragged my pillow and comforter over to her bed last night, 3.30 am. Woke up at one-plus or so. My stuff is all back on my bed now, all that's indication I spend time there's my threadbands and stuff-- two pairs of scissors coz' I felt like working with felt and then realized I lacked the right colours and stuffed it also because of the stuffing, and my gunmetal grey sketch/ideas book and the open box of threads I'm currently working on.
I need to get buchou to send me a pic of the Saeki band I gave her for a belated birthday present... (half a year late-- Christmas present or something =_="; ) It's probably fuck stupid but I want to set up a webby of sorts. For custom ordering band shit... I don't even have access to a server and hosting to send CGI requests to, so I'm stuck with screwy ideas at the moment. Not to mention the TONNES of self-commissioned works I owe... Should make a fuckin' list or something. Gawsh, I suck.
- IK8920
- Chibi
- Lilaciel
- Ohtori
- 8920
- FuJiTaRi
- Shinji
- Jackal
- WynterMyst (colours not decided)
- Rikkai Colours; S & broad
- Seigaku Colours; S & Broad, maybe V
- Rokkaku Colours
- Yamabuki Colours
- Fudomine Colours
- Jr Senbatsu Jersey Colours (_ANIME_ version; I want my eyes and my sanity plzthkz. Not to mention its damn 'spoil-image'. Like the one I'm planning for Senzuki up there. *points; shudders*)
Let's not even get started on the cosplay stuff... 'm never going to find the time once I get a job. And as I was telling