Ahhhh...I was intimidated by almost all of you and CL itself because you had to apply for membership/etc. I came into the Merlin {A/G} fandom from another where I started out from the beginning and was pretty well known. And so I came into this one almost halfway through kind of scrambling to understand it and know people. But most of you I got to know through Camelot Love. Jen...oh my gosh...she was like a legend from my point of view and then she was so friendly from the get-go at CL and at her journal and l liked her so much. Still do...and miss her presence here. Piper bid on my fic for the Camelot Love Haiti thing a thon and so I adored her for that because that was right when I first got in. M and Sophie responded to me during CL discussions and that was lovely. For you though it was AG fics where I first got to know you. And i just love your sense of humor, your dryness, and your response when you really enjoy something. You're just really cool a lot, hee! Oh and your banners may have figured in there somewhere...love your banners. Misha: I think I started talking to her through fic, but I loved when she did the porn thing...so fun. HMS, I think it was a meme thing...love her LJ and all, but I'm rarely on LJ anymore honestly.
Hmmm...prompting and writing shorter...I aim to surprise if I can. If I'm writing for myself it's about the quality of writing {though I admit that doesn't mean long, and it's something I'm going to use this to work on to get shorter}, but if I'm writing for a team it's about keeping that team intact and not disappointing anyone. When placed on a team I do everything I can to make the team do well. So I'm going to make it my effort to prompt as much as I can and to write shorter fics. Because it's not about playing for just me...it's about the team. My personality, that makes a difference honestly.
Hee...I'm still going for MVP!
Oh and thanks for the lovely compliments...hee...tease away. Better to be noticed than ignored, lol.
Hmmm...prompting and writing shorter...I aim to surprise if I can. If I'm writing for myself it's about the quality of writing {though I admit that doesn't mean long, and it's something I'm going to use this to work on to get shorter}, but if I'm writing for a team it's about keeping that team intact and not disappointing anyone. When placed on a team I do everything I can to make the team do well. So I'm going to make it my effort to prompt as much as I can and to write shorter fics. Because it's not about playing for just me...it's about the team. My personality, that makes a difference honestly.
Hee...I'm still going for MVP!
Oh and thanks for the lovely compliments...hee...tease away. Better to be noticed than ignored, lol.
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