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mara93 September 18 2012, 05:23:47 UTC
AH! She looked back at just as naked strange unfamiliar man. Thankfully all he did was stir lazily in his sleep before pressing his arm onto her side of the bed. The nerve of him. Well she should just-

WAIT. Wait. WHAT are you thinking Gwen? This is not your bed! This is not even your hotel bed! This is not even your hotel! You can’t afford the Cosmopolitan. You can’t-

Oh. Bad headache. Coccooning herself in the blanket from the bed, Gwen finally found it, her phone, in her wet pocket. Wait. Why. Her clothes. WET?

Oh God. It got worse. Gwen pressed a button. Waited.

Waited. FRickin-

Why must time take so long when you want it to be short? It never acted like this when it was break time at Avalon’s Burgers! AH. Come on Morgana, pick up the phone! Roman Adonis might wake up.



“Morgana, Morgana, I think I’ve been kidnapped by a very beautiful man physically, but he’s horrible. I’m naked. He unrobed me. And he had his way with me last night and oh my God if he did-remember that self defense class I took? I’m getting out of here, but first I’m going to take my heels and whack him where it hurts so he can never do this again. It’s not like it’s my first time, or second or third-never mind, he’s going to pay and wish he didn’t have a ding dong. I’m getting it now. I’m going to dismem-

“GWEN. Calm down.” Morgana stated on the other end, before Gwen heard the unmistakable sound of hysterical laughter. Evil hysterical laughter.

“Stop that! Stop that! Morgana this is not funny! He had his way with-

“You weren’t saying that when you were riding on top of me.”

“Of course I wasn’t saying it then because-


Gwen dropped the phone. The Adonis man was up, in all his naked glory, albeit his lower half covered by the sheet. Still, she could make out the bulge if she peered down low enough. As she did, he started smirking. Gwen gathered the sheet around her and looked for it, for anything. Finally grasping a palm, tearing it from the tree, she held the branch up in front of her threateningly.

“Don’t you get any closer! Oh. Don’t you think you did enough? You-you-God you’re gorgeous.”

He laughed at that, standing up now too, keeping the sheet wrapped around his waist. “You’re not bad yourself sweetheart.”

OH. That made her mad again. Gwen lifted the palm once more. “Okay, I will scratch you horribly if you try to touch me again.”

Adonis man brought out his hand with appeasement. “Take it easy. Nothing happened.”

She stared at him. He explained how she and her best friend, Morgana again, had met him and his mate Merlin downstairs the night/morning before. And a bet was made. Vegas was having a horrible summer heat-wave, temperatures reaching in the 100’s. They had some frozen mixed drinks and then played in the pool and waterfalls. The bet? Who could ride on their guy’s shoulders the longest in the pool. Yeah, silly bet, but they were all too drunk to really have any kind of sense. And Morgana was quickly the loser because her guy had bony shoulders, Adonis man told Gwen delightfully. She was the lucky one and thus, she also got to spend a night in his suite at the Cosmopolitan while Morgana took Merlin back to her their little Luxor room.

“So we didn’t-

Gwen gestured to the bed.

He smiled, shaking his head. “We didn’t.”


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